Chapter 27

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As expected, I didn't get any sleep. Raymond, Jacob, Ethan, Mackenzie, Ryann, Ostin and McKenna went to sleep soon after Raymond left me but I was left all alone to my thoughts.

For the most part I just kept hoping that whoever came to get me for my execution would do it before my brothers woke up. If they didn't, the two of them would not let me leave but I couldn't even begin to imagine what Tara and Quentin would do to my brothers if they wouldn't allow me to be killed. For all I know, Quentin and Tara could just kill them with their RESATs.

But fortunately, somewhere close to dawn, by my internal clock, the door to the cell opened. I shielded my eyes from the light until they adjusted and realized it was Axel standing there.

"Could you please come with me?" He asked, monotone. I stood up and walked out of the cell. There were two guards with Axel but they both looked stone still.

Axel saw me looking at the guards and explained, "just to make sure you don't do anything."

I nodded silently and he lead me down the hall to another cell. "Are we not doing my execution yet?" I asked him.

"No," he said. "They just wanted you out of there before the others woke up."

It almost seemed as if they had read my mind or something. Axel put the code in for the new cell and opened the door. This cell was lighter than the last but smaller and, as I walked inside, to my surprise, he followed me in but the two guards don't.

I looked up at Axel and frowned. "Why did you come in here with me?" I asked him.

"To keep an eye on you and make sure you're not completely alone in the last hour of your life," he shrugged.

"You're not going to be killed for another hour and I have nothing to do for an hour."

"Whoopdiedo," I muttered sarcastically. I slid to the ground, wrapped my arms around my knees and put my head on them.

The reality of what was about to happen to me was drawing closer and closer and with ever second that passed, I grew even more anxious and even more worried.


After what seemed like forever of me and my own thoughts and neither me nor Axel saying anything, with my head still on my knees, I finally asked him, "why do you do it?"

"What?" He asked.

"Why do you help Tara and Quentin? Why do you help them kill people? Why did you kidnap my brother? And don't deny doing it because I know you did."

Axel's face hardened and he shook his head. "It's complicated," he said.

"How is it complicated?" I asked him. "How is something like this ever complicated? There is never any justification to killing another human."

Axel looked at me and sighed. "Alright, look-" he started to say but he was cut off by a high pitched annoying beeping. I flinched as I was startled by the noise. Although I really should have flinched from what Axel says next.

He looked up at me and nodded. "It's time," he says.

Then, before I could react, I blacked out.


I woke up sometime later, groggy with a bad headache. I didn't know how Axel managed to knock me out so quickly. Or so well. It almost felt like I got hit over the head with a brick.

I tried to sit up to rub my head but my arms didn't move. I paused and realized that I was wrapped in some sheet like a mummy. There was duct tape over my mouth and the type of stretcher people use to hold whales helping to hold me in midair.

I carefully turned my head enough to see an eel tank out of my peripheral vision about five feet below me.

Death by electric eels. Kind of ironic if you think about it.

"Ah! So you're awake!" I heard Quentin say below me.

"I was hoping you'd be awake for your own death." I didn't answer because I couldn't but I did see Axel standing next to Quentin, who were both standing near the eel tank.

"Any last words, Vey?" Quentin asked then smirks when I say nothing. "Alright, you're choice."

He walked behind his computer again and pushed a button. The stretcher tipped downward and I was suddenly falling towards the eel tank upside-down and head-first.

I hit the water and everything went black again.

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