Chapter 31

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Jacob and Ethan started off down the hallway again, with everyone trailing them and me in the back. My energy was beginning to return and the pain was starting to subside but I still wasn't as fast as usual.

Eventually, Raymond dropped back and looped his arm under mine and around my back to help me walk.

"Thanks," I said simply.

"No problem," he answered. "I'm just glad you're alive."

"Yeah," I snorted. "So am I."

"So you really don't remember anything? You don't know how you survived?"

"No, I blacked out and when I woke up, everyone was gone and I was just... Alive."

"Huh," Raymond stated.

"So how did you guys get out of the cell?" I asked.

"Oh, Jacob did have some plan with the door but then Axel came in to tell Jacob and Ethan that you were dead and Ethan just kinda... Ended up attacking him."

"Is he...?"

"Dead? No, just knocked out. After Ethan attacked Axel, the rest of us followed suit and got the two guards. Then, when we were out in the light, Ostin was able to disable to RESAT's so we could get our powers back. We were coming to see if we could get your body when we ran into you."

"You were going to get my body?" I asked and scrunched up my nose.

"Yeah, Jacob and Ethan wanted to give you a proper burial," he said.

"Turns out that wasn't needed though," I added with a laugh.

"Yeah, tell me about it," Raymond grins.

"Would you two shut up back there. In case you didn't notice, we're currently trying to break out of a highly guarded compound run by two psychopaths and their kid," Ethan hissed.

I rolled my eyes. "Looks like I'm just his very much alive annoying little sister again," I muttered to Raymond.

He laughed in response but didn't say anything. It was probably better that way anyway.

"Hey!" We suddenly hear someone far behind us yell. The entire group turns around to see a guard standing about a hundred and fifty paces behind us.

"Shoot, we've been spotted," Ryann growled.

"Let's go!" Ethan yelled. He turned and started running for the exit.

"Can you run?" Raymond asked me as everyone else started towards the door. The alarms in the building go off and I flinch. That wasn't a good sign.

"I think so but I guess we'll just have to see."

I started to sprint after the others but as that did cause me a lot of pain, I soon decided a fast paced jog would be best. Raymond stayed beside me the entire time, watching for guards.

We burst through the doors to the outside soon after the rest of the group but then skid to a stop when we see them surrounded by guards with guns. Quentin and Tara weren't here yet, fortunately, but I had no doubt that they would be soon.

"...surrender yourselves now, and don't try anything funny, or we are ordered to shoot," one of the guards was saying.

Raymond pushed me back into a corner where the guards couldn't see me and placed himself in front of me.

"Raymond," I hissed. "What are you doing? We need a plan."

"Hold on, Emily," he answered back. Raymond focused hard.

A half a second later, the head guard gasped, dropped his gun and stumbled backwards. "Wha- I can't see!" He yelled. "I've gone blind!"

I stared at the guard in amazement then looked at Raymond, who was grinning like a lunatic.

"What did you do?" I asked him.

"I didn't do anything. Ryann did."

"Ryann can make people go blind?" I asked.

"No," Raymond said. "But she can make people think they've gone blind."

I grinned widely. "That's genius."

While the guard was preoccupied with his problem, Ethan appeared behind him and snatched the guards gun.

"What about all the other guards?" I ask. "Why aren't they attacking?"

"Oh, deaf. Sort of, anyway. Ryann is making them-"

"I know what you mean," Emily laughed. "Should we go help?"

"No, they've got this," Raymond said.

As soon as the guards notice that Ethan had gotten the head guards gun, they turn to shoot at him but Ethan beats him them to it and begins to open fire. Fortunately, Ethan had a gun that was loaded with normal darts that could knock out any person, not just glows.

The guards began to drop pretty quickly and her friends started picking up their guns just to unload them on the leftover guards.

When all the guards were down, Mackenzie turned to Raymond and Emily and grinned. "That was easier than I thought."

"Looked like it," Emily said. She then looked at Ethan, "how did you know what Ryann had done?" Ryann hadn't told them her power earlier and even if she had, there really was no way for Ethan to know that Ryann had caused the guards to go deaf and blind.

Ethan nodded to Raymond. "It's helpful when you have a telepathic communicator on your team."

Emily looked at Raymond, stumped and offended. "You helped them without me?"

"Yeah, I knew what everyone's power is so I just kind of told them what to do."

"But I wanted to help too," Emily pointed out.

"We know you did, but your still in pain," Ethan retorted. "Now could we please finish escaping?"

Emily grumbled softly but she knew they weren't out yet so right now wasn't the best time to do this.

With the alarm still blaring, the group was more careful as they snuck the rest of their way out of the compound. They avoided the few groups of guards they did see and soon made it out of the compound.

"Come on!" Ethan yelled. He ducked under the fence and started to run down the abandoned road.

I took two steps after him then stopped as chills ran down my spine. I felt like someone was behind us. I slowly turned around and saw a guard on top of the roof.

With a gun.

A real gun.

Quentin and Tara must have ordered our deaths if we were to escape.

"Ethan!" I yelled but I was too late. The gunman aimed for Mackenzie and fired off one shot before Ethan got to him and knocked him out.

I looked to where the bullet had gone and watched, almost as if in slow motion, as Ostin, fearing for his daughters life, jumped in front of her and took the shot just underneath his heart.

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