Chapter 54

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As I approached Tara, I could tell that she was trying to recreate my worst fears. The only problem was was that I had washed myself of my fears. One of my worst had just come true, there wasn't much else that could scare me now.

With no idea what my powers exactly were yet, I raised my hand, hoping something would happen. I felt a sort of pressure weighing down on me, as if I straining myself, until the empty eel tank, on the other side of the room, burst. I looked it in surprise as every other water source in the room followed suit.

"Get back," I heard Nichelle say as she pushed the others back against the wall. I put my hand back and stopped the water from advancing towards them as it swarmed around me. As soon as the water touched my skin, I could tell it was electrified.

"The water's electrified," I told Nichelle as a warning for them not to touch it. The water didn't hurt me, it only gave me more power, but I knew it could kill my friends.

Holding my hand over the electrified water, I drew up some of it and formed the water into ball. I grinned at Tara, as she backed away from the water still nearing her. "Let's see what happens when you get shocked by electrified water, shall we?"

I threw the ball at Tara, hitting her square in the chest. The impact shocked Tara, causing her to fall down, but the shock wasn't as strong as I had hoped it would be. I suddenly remembered from science class that water wasn't as good of a conductor of electricity as metal was. If I wanted to do any real damage to Tara, I would need to use more water.

Tara got back up to her feet, stumbling back against the wall in the process. "How- how is that possible?" She gasped. "How can you manipulate water."

I shake my head. "I'm not manipulating water," I explained. "I'm manipulating the electricity within the water." I was simply manipulating the electricity and using my powers to keep the water and electricity bound together.

Tara growled in discontent as she scooped her knife off of the ground. Tara took a few steps back then ran at me, jumping over the water. She tackled me to the ground and started stabbing viciously at me. I grabbed her hands, rolling her into the water.

The water shocked her badly, again. Tara screamed, scrambling out of it to find a safe spot. I tried to get to my feet as fast as possible but Tara was faster. She threw her knife at me, giving me barely enough time to dodge it.

Still in a crouching position, I used the water to swipe at Tara's legs. She jumped over it, then backed up. It took me a moment to realize she was backing up towards my friends. With all of this water around me, we both knew she couldn't attack me, but Tara had figured out that she could go for my friends.

"Oh no you don't," I muttered. Focusing on the water in front of my friends, I slowly drew it up and began shaping, giving it curvy and spikes, until it became a dragon. A water dragon.

Now that the water was off the floor, I could tell Ethan wanted to help, but Nichelle kept him back. I was thankful she did. I needed to do this myself.

I looked at Tara, who was staring fearfully at the dragon, who was at least thirty feet tall on his hind legs. I brought him down on his hind legs to snap at Tara. She jumped back, then started running to the other side of the room.

I immediately realized my mistake. While I had kept Tara from getting to my friends, I opened another path for her.

I dissipated the dragon, but Tara was too fast. She pulled herself up into a small platform, grabbed a RESAT dart gun and shot it at me.

The dart hit me in the arm and, like a flower, the pain blossomed inside of me. For the first time, I could understand the pain other glows felt when hit by these.

I screamed out and collapsed into my water, completely losing control of it. To my right, Ethan and Jacob got everyone onto a platform as my water spread all throughout the room.

Tara stood on her own platform, pridefully spinning the RESAT gun. "Feels good, doesn't it?" She asked. "Now that the eel readers can pick up your electric signal, so can the darts."

Sitting in the water, I realize that it was losing it's electric current. Since I couldn't use my powers, I couldn't keep the water electric. Tara realized this too. She jumped down from the platform, walked around Raymond's body, and over to where I was hunched over on the ground.

"You're just as pathetic as your dad," she snarled, kicking me in the side. Ethan flinched, taking a step toward me, but Tara raised her RESAT gun to remind them of what would happen if they interfered.

"No, actually," Tara added, correcting yourself, "your as pathetic as your dead friend over there."

My eyes flicked up to Tara. "Don't talk about him that way," I warned.

Tara grabbed me by my hair and forced me back. "And why not?"

"Because he was braver and a better person than you ever will be," I spat. I kicked Tara in the knee, causing her to simultaneously let go of me and drop my gun. I grabbed it and shot one of the darts at her. It buried itself into her leg. I threw the gun to the other side of the room, slowly getting up off the floor.

Tara was half on the ground, staring at me with hate in her eyes. I met her hatred with only pity. I felt bad for Tara, yet I knew what had to be done.

Drawing up all of my energy, I pushed past the pain of the RESAT dart to launch whatever I could at Tara. I electrified the water around me once again, then used it to shoot Tara with the force and power of an electric bullet. Tara flew backwards, hit her head against the wall, and fell to the ground. The pain of the dart quickly washed over me and I collapsed to the ground again.

Nichelle quickly jumped from the platform and walked over to Tara. Nichelle felt her pulse, frowning.

"She's dead," Nichelle confirmed as darkness started to swarm my vision. The last thing I saw before I blacked out was Ethan and Jacob, running towards me.

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