Chapter 25

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I stared in Mackenzie's general direction and rose an eyebrow.

"What?" Raymond asked.

"The Theoretical Transference and Electrification of the Human Nervous system," she repeated. "It's something that a young girl named Lin YuLong, or Jade Dragon, came up with, back when our parents were still fighting in the Electroclan, the explained how and why our parents got their powers from the MEI. Over a decade later, after most of the glows had children, my dad just added to it to explain why the original glows lost their powers. Basically, with all the glows, instead of the electricity being created inside of them then passed down to their children like a genetic disease, glows are like portable chargers and we are the phones or whatever. The charge in a portable charger is the original glows powers. But as they have kids, that charge instead gets transferred to them, and each parent who is a glow has enough charge inside of them to charge one of their children. So if two glows are the parents, two kids will get their powers but for the third one, there's nothing left."

"And because all the original glows, except Tara, Quentin and Nichelle, had enough children to replace them, their the only ones left," Ryann said.

"It takes the 'you should only reproduce yourself' thing to a whole new level."

"So that means we're the only glows left?" Raymond asked.

"Basically," Mackenzie said.

"Well that's just fantastic," Ethan muttered.

"What about the Axel kid?" I asked.

Ryann shook her head. "We know almost nothing about him other than he's Quentin and Tara' s son and helps them kill innocent people. We don't think he's a glow though because Quentin and Tara still have their powers."

"But if he's their son, wouldn't their powers get passed onto him?"

"Not exactly," Mackenzie said. "It's rare but it is possible that if two glows have a child, neither of them will pass their 'charge' on and the child will get no powers."

We all nodded.

"Interesting observation," Jacob said.

"Ostin actually figured all of it out," Mackenzie said and gestured to him. "Anyway, what are your guy's powers?"

"Electrical flying by pulsing," Jacob said.

"Electrical teleporting by pulsing," Ethan said.

"And electrolocation and electrical communication," Raymond finished.

"So is that kind of like mind reading?" Ryann asked.

"No, I can only speak to you. And as of right now, I don't actually know if people can respond to me."

"So what does the electrolocation do?"

"Well if I want to speak to someone, I need to know where they are. So, it helps me find and identify people, even people without powers since everyone has some electricity in them, so I can talk to them. It's just a shame I can't use them right now."

"It really is," Ostin said in response to Raymond. "If the five of you didn't have to deal with those RESATS, we may actually be free right now."

"What exactly are RESATS?" Jacob asked Ostin.

"They're kind of tasers for the electric kids. Taser spelled backwards is resat. There used to be a glow names Nichelle and her powers was to inflict pain on other glows by sucking their power away from them. Hatch though, the leader of Elgen, abandoned her after Michael, your father, discovered a weakness and duplicated her powers into the RESAT. There are also darts and a handheld RESAT device but the darts can be easily taken out and not really controlled and the handheld device inflicts pain on all glows in a certain radius. So it'd be painful to Tara and Quentin as well is they were to use it on you."

"Don't ever dream of getting that thing off though," McKenna continued. "If you try to take it off, it'll short circuit and kill you."

McKenna glances over at Ostin then back at us. "He once figured out how to get them off but they've changed the design so much since then that it's basically impossible without Tara or Quentin."

"And," Mackenzie said, "they can control how much pain the RESAT causes you."

"The things are basically Hell on Earth for us glows," Ryann sighed. I listened to them quietly and, for once, I was actually glad that I didn't have powers. The RESAT' s didn't sound very fun. But then again, because I was normal, there are other weapons that could very easily hurt me just as much as RESATs hurt them.

"Are you sure there's no way out of here even with these things on though?" Jacob asked. "I mean, were not just going to sit here and let them kill out sister tomorrow."

Mackenzie shook her head. "I'm sorry but if there was a way out, we would have found it by now."

"There's no way out and there's nothing you can do about your sisters death," Ryann said. "There never has been anything we could do about the people Tara and Quentin have killed, and there never will be."

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