Chapter 46

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The four captured allies stared at Quentin, none of them willing to answer him.

"Hm, tough crowd," Quentin muttered. "Put the three of them in chairs but leave her standing." Quentin gestured to McKenna as the guards shoved Raymond, Mackenzie and Ethan into the chairs. The guards only stepped back after they had locked them in.

Mackenzie stared at Quentin, wide-eyed and fearful. "What are you going to do to her?" She asked.

"That is none of your concern," Tara growled in response.

McKenna stood to the right of her chairs, her hands cuffed behind her back and her head held high. Quentin just snorted. "Do you really think your stubbornness is going to save you?" He sneered. "Perhaps it saved you over twenty five years ago, but today, it will not."

"What? You gonna kill me?" McKenna asked as defiant as she looked.

"Oh yes, just liked I killed your two little friends, Ian and Abigail, just like I killed your husband and just like I'll kill the rest of you Electrodorks."

For a moment, Raymond saw fear flash behind McKenna's eyes but it was gone as soon as he saw it.

"You'll never find the last three standing 'Electrodorks,' as you call us."

"Oh but I will," Quentin said. "Hatch was an idiot not to kill all you little Electrodorks at the earliest opportunity and so far, I have done better than he ever did. You self-righteous glows have been screwing with me and protecting those chickens for far too long but that will end. I will do what Hatch failed to do. The chickens will become mine.

"Now," Quentin pulled out a handgun, cocked it and put it against McKenna's head, "why don't one of the three of you tell me where Nichelle, Michael and Taylor are?"

Raymond flinched, looking over at Mackenzie, who looked absolutely horror stricken. Even though Quentin didn't ask anyone in particular, he was staring right at her.

Quentin pretended to casually check his nails, even though he didn't have any. "We don't have all day," he said casually, as if he wasn't holding a gun to someone's head.

"Don't you already know where my parents are?" Ethan asked. Raymond recalled that Emily had told him that Ostin had showed up at their house, and that Ostin had been helping Tara and Quentin, even if he was being forced to.

"Unfortunately, no. Ostin refused to tell us that piece of information and we had no time to torture it out of him before he died."

"Don't tell him," McKenna said warningly.

"Shut up," Quentin snarled. He pressed the gun against McKenna's temple, hard enough that, even though the barrel of the gun was blunt, Raymond wouldn't be surprised if it was cutting into McKenna's skin.

"Please, just kill me," Mackenzie pleaded.

Ethan looked over at her in surprise but Mackenzie looked confident in her plea.

"Oh don't worry, you'll be next if you don't start talking," he barked.

No one said anything and Raymond could feel Quentin's frustration rising. He didn't want to kill McKenna off so early, as she was his only useless bargaining piece, but he also knew he couldn't not go through with his promise.

So instead, Quentin uttered, "Tara, would you?"

"It would be my pleasure," she grinned.

Tara carefully rolled her sleeves up and crossed her arms as she focused on McKenna. Raymond, Ethan and Mackenzie watched as McKenna's kneels began to shake. Raymond could tell she was trying to stay strong but, eventually, McKenna collapsed to the ground. Quentin lowered his gun but kept the safety off. He also kept his smug grin on his face.

"Please," McKenna blubbered. "Please, don't. Don't do this."

"What are you doing to her?!" Mackenzie yelled worriedly.

"They're making her experience her worst feel," Raymond muttered, and looked up at Tara. More specifically, Tara was. That was Tara's power.

Mackenzie whipped her head towards Raymond. "What?" she asked.

"It's just kind of something Tara does. You could call it her power," Quentin answered smugly.

Quentin glanced back at McKenna, who was still on the floor, clutching her hair. It was obvious that was McKenna was trying to fight Tara, but it was also obvious that she was losing.

"Stop, please, stop!" McKenna pleaded.

"Your daughter knows what she needs to do to stop it," Tara responded.

"Okay! Okay, fine! I'll tell you?" Mackenzie announced. "Just please stop."

"I'll stop when you tell us what we need."

Mackenzie didn't look settled by that, but she had no choice. She squeezed her eyes shut, and opened her mouth. Raymond cringed, expecting her to reveal all of their secrets but no sound came. He looked over at Mackenzie to see her mouth hanging open in question. Even when threatened with her mother's impending death, Mackenzie couldn't do it.

"I-I'm s-sorry. I can't," Mackenzie said and broke out into tears. Raymond saw Ethan look at her sympathetically as if he wanted to comfort her but couldn't given their circumstance.

Quentin just nodded to Tara. McKenna started screaming but this only made Mackenzie cry harder.

"Quentin!" Ethan suddenly yelled over Mackenzie's crying and McKenna's screaming. It was the first time he had spoken since they got into the room. "I'll tell you where they are but you have to stop torturing McKenna first."

Quentin responded with a snort. "As if."

"Well it's not like I can yell over McKenna and Mackenzie!"

Quentin was stumped with this one. Even though Ethan was currently yelling over the two, yelling the addresses of Nichelle and the Vey's would not end well.

"Fine, Tara?"

The screaming began to cease, until McKenna eventually fell over into a heap on the floor. When Mackenzie realized McKenna had stopped being tortured, her crying also dwindled.

"Okay," Ethan muttered. He breathed out slowly then back in. "My parents address is-"

"Don't tell them!" McKenna snapped harshly but weakly. Everyone looked at her in surprise. "Just let them kill me! You can't risk their lives for mine."

Quentin kicked McKenna hard in the side, causing a small whimper from both her and Mackenzie. "What did I say about shutting up?" He asked. Looking up at Ethan, he asked, "you were saying?"

Ethan swallowed hard. "It's 367-" Ethan started before he was cut off again. McKenna had pushed herself to feet and aggressively pulled the gun out of Quentin's hand.

Quentin snatched a gun from a guard as they aimed to protect their leader, but McKenna wasn't aiming for him. She knew she'd never hit Quentin in this state in million years. And even if she did, there was still Tara. Instead, McKenna placed the barrel of the gun to her own temple. She smiled sadly at Mackenzie. "I'm sorry," she whispered, "but I can't have you risking the others lives for me."

Before Mackenzie could protest, McKenna pulled the trigger. One single gunshot rang through the air before the whole world seemed to fall silent.


I'm sorry I keep posting these chapters so late, I just like posting them as soon as I finish them... Which tends to be late at night... XD I'm sorry though! I hope you guys don't mind!

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