Chapter 45

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"Okay, so we're in," Raymond hissed softly to the others. "Now what?" It was fairly to get in the building though there was a small mishap with trying to get the electric fence off and Raymond had almost shocked himself. He just hoped that was the only bad thing that would happen tonight.

"Now we split," Axel answered. "Ryann,  Jacob and I are going left to find my sister and you, Ethan, Mackenzie and McKenna are going to go get Quentin and Tara. They should be in their lab right now which is straight and to the left."

Raymond nodded. "Right, okay." He stood up and looked to the others.

Ryann and Mackenzie did a quick hug. "Be safe," Mackenzie whispered.

"You too," Ryann answered.

Ethan smiled at Mackenzie and said. "Good luck guys."

Jacob nodded in return. "Right back at you."

"We'll meet you outside the compound," Axel added.

"Got it," Raymond answered. "Now can we go? I'm getting antsy just standing here."

"Yes, I know the way so you guys can follow me," McKenna commented.

"Alright then by all means." Raymond gestured to the hall straight ahead.

McKenna got up, followed by the other three and slowly began to lead them away. Axel and his group did the same. The last thing Raymond saw of them was their backs descending into the darkness of the unlit hallway and forgotten hallway. He just hoped it wouldn't be the last time he saw them.

The small group quietly walked through the hallway, more careful now than before as they did not have Ryann with them to loop the cameras. If they saw any cameras, Ethan was to destroy them but even that was risky.

"Wait a second, do you hear that guys?" Raymond asked. The others in front of Raymond stopped to look at him.

Mackenzie looked at him with wide eyes. "Hear what?"

Raymond listened but heard nothing else. "I don't know," he muttered. "I could've sworn I hear footsteps though."

"Footsteps?" Ethan asked worriedly. If Raymond truly had heard footsteps, that couldn't be good for any of them.

"Yeah but I'm sure it was nothing," Raymond added, trying not to freak them out. Truth was, Raymond was pretty sure it wasn't nothing. As the group started moving again, Raymond tried to sense the electricity of the person behind him.

He immediately recognized who's it was. While it was weak because he couldn't sense her powers, she did still have an electrical aura and it was most definitely Emily.

Raymond swallowed hard. She must've followed them here. But the fence, and the door, how could she have gotten through them? Raymond suddenly remembered the electric chair test they had just done on her yesterday and almost cried out in frustration.

How could he have been so stupid! Of course Emily would follow them here and of course she'd be able to get in without help! She is a Vey after all. And now she was back in the most dangerous place she could be.

"Is something wrong?" Raymond heard Ethan ask. Raymond realized he had accidentally stopped walking.

"What? No, no. Nothing's wrong." Of course something was wrong. Emily had made it into the compound, but it's not like Raymond could do much about it. Causing a commotion would only make things worse. The best thing Raymond could do at this point was to help keep Emily hidden, and that meant pretending she wasn't here. Raymond started walking forward again. "Come on," he said. "Let's get going, were burning-" The hallway Raymond had stepped into ahead of McKenna to go left lit up with the brightest lights he's ever seen.

"Oh no," McKenna said. "I would start running."

"Wait, why?" Raymond asked. As an answer to his question, an alarm, that sounded like a fire alarm,
went off.

"That's why!" McKenna said. She turned down the left hallway and started sprinting. The others looked at each other but wasted no more time in hesitation.

Instead of continuing straight, as they should have, McKenna dived to a hallway at the right.

"Where are we going?" Ethan yelled.

"Where do you think?" McKenna answered. "We need to make sure they're not following us!" McKenna took a sharp turn left, the three kids following as close as they could behind her.

They continued down the hall, to the left, then right and left again when McKenna suddenly stopped.

"Hold on." McKenna glanced behind them, her eyes widening. "Where Mackenzie?" She asked.

Raymond glanced behind him to see that Mackenzie wasn't there. "I don't know," he said but trailed off as guards swarmed appeared at the back of the hallway. "Um... Guys." Raymond looks at Ethan and McKenna but they were already preoccupied with the guards at the front of the hallway. Then, to make things worse, a guard dragged Mackenzie out by the hair with a knife to her throat.

"Shoot," Ethan muttered.

"Shoot is quite right," said Quentin, his voice coming on over the loud speaker. "You guys are in quite a predicament. So surrender now and I won't kill her."

Ethan swallowed hard but got down on his hands and knees, putting his hands behind his head.

"What are you doing?" Raymond hissed to him.

"Surrendering," Ethan answered. "We can't have them killing her." Raymond didn't like the idea of surrendering but he knew Ethan was right. So, following McKenna, he slowly got down to the ground.

Mackenzie, who was at the end of the hallway, watched them fearfully but said nothing. Raymond knew she couldn't do much because she had on of the RESAT boxes connected to her. The fact that he electric signal was weakened and that she had a box next to her were both proof.

"Guards, apprehend them, and being them to the lab. And kill the girl if they do anything to resist their being capture."

"There's not much we could do but okay," Ethan murmured. The guards attached RESATs to Ethan and Raymond but left McKenna be.

After yanking them to their feet, the guards escorted the small group through the winding halls, back to the lab that Quentin and Tara were in. When they walked in, Raymond could tell the two had been waiting for the four, in the middle of the room. Quentin had his back erect with his hands behind his back, a stance that made him look like he was the military, and Tara was slightly behind him, her arms crossed.

"Well," Quentin said, "I must say that I most certainly did not expect to see you four, of all people, here again." Quentin grinned. "How does it feel to be back?"

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