Chapter 43

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"Wow, you're up early," Jacob said to me as he strode into the living room. I had been sure to get up super early to make sure that the other wouldn't leave without me. The only problem was that I had already been sitting here for two hours and Jacob was the first sign of other human life I had seen.

"Oh good, someone else is finally awake," I said.

Jacob looked at me quizzically. "How long have you been awake?"

"Too long," I muttered.

"Well maybe you should've woken up later," he said. Jacob walked into the kitchen and began to make something for himself.

"I would have," I sighed, "except I didn't get a really clear time that you guys were leaving."

"We would've woken you up," Jacob shrugged.

"Well arrest me for not having complete confidence in you, but I didn't want to leave it to that," I said. "This might be the last time I get to see you guys, you know that, right?"

Jacob shook his head. "You don't know that, Emily."

"No, but I am worried."

Jacob looked over at me and for the first time in a long time, I could see him looking at me like I was just his baby sister that he needed to protect. Nothing more, nothing less.

"It's fine," Jacob said softly. "We'll be fine."

"I sure hope so," I responded as Mackenzie and Ryann walked into the kitchen.

"Hey, what are you guys talking about?" Mackenzie asked.

"Nothing," I said before Jacob could answer.

Mackenzie raised an eyebrow, probably wondering why I answered so quickly, but didn't say anything else.

"Are Ethan and Raymond up yet?" Ryann asked.

I shook my head. "No, I don't think so," responded.

"I just woke the two of them and McKenna is coming," Nichelle said, coming downstairs.

"You didn't have to do that," Jacob said. "We could've waited for them."

"I know but I also think you guys should get going as soon as possible."

"True," Jacob admitted.

"Wait, you're not going with them?" I asked Nichelle. I had just assumed that she would go, given Quentin and Tara were trying to kill her too.

Nichelle shook her head. "No, I won't be of much help in there and there are already enough people in there. Plus, Quentin and Tara still don't know where I am and I'm not too keen on letting them know."

"I guess that makes sense," I said as I slowly nodded. Trouble was, the fact that she was staying would also make it harder to sneak out. Not impossible but  definitely harder.

I heard a large thump and Raymond finally walked into the room, followed by Ethan. "Good morning, guys!" He said, more chipper than needed.

"Hey, sleepy heads," Mackenzie grinned.

"Sleepy heads?" Raymond asked.

"Yeah, you two are the last two up," Mackenzie explained.

"McKenna's not down here yet," Ethan retorted.

"She is awake though, we both have been for the past hour, we've just been upstairs getting ready," Nichelle commented.

"Oh," Ethan said, sounding defeated.

Jacob grinned up at his brother. "Anyway, anyone want some waffles?"

A chorus of affirmation tango it from everyone except me. I wasn't hungry.

After Raymond grabbed four waffles from the grill, he wandered over to me. "Hey," he said. "You not hungry?"

I shook my head as Raymond picked up his waffle with his fingers and began eating it. I gave him a questioning look.

"What?" He asked innocently, syrup dripping down his chin.

"Do you always eat waffles standing up with your fingers?" I asked.

"Pretty much. Well actually," he glanced at his feet then back at me, "I'm usually not standing."

"Okay, but why do you eat waffles with your fingers?"

Raymond wiped the syrup off his chin and shrugged. "Aren't waffles just basically French Toast made differently?"

"Dude," Ethan said. Raymond and I both turned toward him as Ethan picked up a fork. He threw it to Raymond, which he somehow caught without stabbing his hand. "Just use the fork," Ethan grinned.

Raymond rolled his eyes. "Fine," he said. He sat down so he could cut and eat his waffles.

The rest of the breakfast session continued in silence with me staring at the wall. McKenna came down in the middle of everyone's meal but didn't stop to eat. She gave Mackenzie a good morning kiss then went outside.

I sat still in my chair, seemingly as calm as possible, but inside I was a bundle of nerves. Of course I couldn't let any of the others see it, or else they may suspect something, and I was anxious for them to get going. The sooner they left, the sooner I could leave and follow them. I slowly began to bounce my leg as I waited. 

Finally, about ten minutes after McKenna left, the others began to clear their dishes.

"Alright, you guys ready?" Ethan asked.

"Ready as we'll ever be," Ryann answered with a grin. "I say we get this show in the road."

I glanced at the clock to see what time it was and was surprised to see it was only a quarter till six. I still didn't let my emotion show.

"That's the spirit," Jacob replied.

"Do you guys all have your jump suits on?" Nichelle asked. They had gotten black, skin-tight jumpsuits last night from Nichelle to wear to the compound. We were hoping its help them blend it at least a little bit.

"You bet we do," Raymond declared.

Nichelle nodded. "Alright, good."

In a single file line, with Nichelle at the head of the line, we all followed her out to the garage. McKenna was already in the drivers seat, waiting for us.

"Well it took you long enough to get out here!" She said.

"Sorry." Ethan put his hands in the air in surrender. "We had to eat breakfast."

"I know but geez, you guys take a long time," McKenna laughed. "Just get in, we're burning daylight."

I stopped next to Nichelle as the others piled into the car. Raymond was the last to get in and before he disappeared, he glanced back at me.

"Stay safe," I said with a small smile, and I meant it.

Raymond nodded in affirmation. "You two," he said softly.

Raymond pulled himself into the car, and closed the door. I watched as the car pulled away from the house and just like that, it was gone. The Electroclan 2.0 was being taken to their very first, and possibly last, mission.

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