Chapter 22

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I woke up sometime later in a dark but not completely black room. I couldn't quite tell what I was attached to yet as I was still delirious but I could tell it was metal.

I could feel the cool steel beneath my skin. I looked to my right and could barely make out the shape of either Ethan or Jacob on that side. A small hope rose in me that it might be Ethan and when I looked to my left and see Raymond along with either Ethan or Jacob, that hope was solidified.

Although we were still captured. And Jacob and I got another guy captured which never helped the conscious.

"Emily?" I heard someone hiss and quickly realized it was Ethan.

"Yeah?" I asked him.

"Emily, why are you guys here?" Jacob nor Raymond must be awake yet.

"We came to save you," I answered him. Ethan growled softly and I bit my lip. Of course he didn't want us saving him.

"I would have been fine. You didn't need to get yourself captured for me."

"But we did. So suck it up," I muttered to him.

There's a moment of silence then Ethan asked, "who is he?"

I already knew he was talking about Raymond so I said, "he's a glow. Like you and Jacob. He helped us in here."

"You mean he helped to guarantee your death?"

I opened my mouth to answer but before I could answer, someone said, "could you two just shut up already."

I sighed and rolled my eyes at the sound of the voice. Jacob. He had apparently woken up during Ethan and I's argument.

"Hey, you alright dude?" Jacob asked Ethan.

"Yeah, I'm fine. How did the two of you even find me."

"Raymond," I said matter-of-factly. "He has electrical communication and was able to tell me where you were after he saw you get dragged in here." There's no answer and I rolled my eyes.

Of course Ethan was attempting to find the worst in Raymond. It was what he did, and it always annoyed me.

"Do you even know how you got kidnapped? I mean, Emily and I were only out of the room for thirty seconds. Tops."

"No," Ethan answered. "One minute I was standing there, trying to decide what to do about the ghost, then it started towards me and next thing I know, I woke up in this pitch black cell in this place."

"That sounds somewhat concerning," I heard Jacob say softly. "What happened after that?"

"No clue," Ethan said. "Some lady came on an intercom and said a few things then I got a... a feeling that this... this thing was in the room with me. I never did find out what it was but I don't even know how long I was in that cell."

"One night," I answered Ethan.

"Really?" He asked in disbelief.

"Yup," I said and and softly pop the 'p.' There was m a soft groan that came from beside me and I turned my head to see Raymond had woken up.

"What? Where are we?" He asked groggily.

"No idea," I said. "We were hit by darts and now we're in here."

"What did those darts even do to us?" Jacob asked.

"I heard that they took away the powers of a glow and caused levels pain that could be modified and controlled," Raymond said.

"Wait what?" I asked.

"It does the same thing as the box." Raymond nodded to the box and I looked down to see that, in fact there was some type of box with blinking lights attached to me.

I frowned for it wasn't painful for me. I didn't even know the thing was there until just now. I suddenly heard the door to the room open and not one second later, the brightest lights I had ever seen switch on to reveal a pristine white room.

I blinked rapidly until the flare of the lights being turned on fades from my vision. I couldn't see anything it was so bright. The room slowly began to come into focus though and I realized that all this time, I'd been sitting in a metal chair. It almost reminded me of an electric chair. I bit my lip.

"Glad to see that your all finally awake," an unfamiliar voice boomed. It belonged to a middle aged man no older than my father.

The man was standing near the door to the room and a woman, about his age that looked almost exactly like my mother, oddly enough, stood next to him. Behind them, a younger boy—who looked oddly familiar—was leaning against the wall, watching us intently.

None of us answer so the man just smirked. "It's nice to have three Vey's here. Three Vey' s and one Vranes."

"H-how do you know who we are?" Jacob asked shakily. The woman raised her eyebrows curiously.

"You don't know who we are?" The man asked.

The woman grinned mockingly. "Oh how rude of us, honey. It certainly isn't polite for guests to not know who you are," she said. Before the man can answer, she stepped forward to put her hands on her hips. "It just so happens that we were in that stupid electroclan group with your parents."

Raymond narrowed his eyes, probably to try and figure out who these two are. The woman started to walk towards me and I swallowed hard. For all I know, this woman could be coming towards me to kill me.

Instead, I watch fearfully as she grabbed a stand of my hair and begins to twirl it around her finger. "Such pretty hair you have," she said sweetly. "You know, it reminds me so much of your mother. And I hate that." Her voice turned menacing and the woman suddenly yanked hard on my hair. I yelped in pain.

"Hey!" Ethan started to say. The woman glared at him though and he also cried out in pain. I still don't understand what exactly they were doing to my brothers and Ethan but I didn't like it. I didn't say anything though for fear they'd hurt one of us again.

The woman, looking at me with death's smile, said, "you can call me Aunt Tara and him, Uncle Quentin. Or Uncle Q for short."

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