Chapter 49

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The halls were silent except for the shuffling of feet and the low him of the RESATs, signifying that their levels were set on low. A certain dark cloud sat over Raymond, Ethan and Mackenzie after McKenna's death and Emily's sacrifice. Ethan knew what had to be done.

He knew trying to rescue Emily in this state would be suicide. He knew trying to get all three of them out would be catastrophic. Both were out of the question. But if he could just get the RESAT off of himself, even for just a second, he could get Mackenzie out of here.

Suddenly, Ethan stopped walking. Mackenzie and Raymond looked back at him, causing the guards to turn. "Keep walking!" One of the Elgen guards ordered.

Ethan took a half a step forward then collapsed to his knees. "The- I- I can't," he gasped. He saw the worry in Mackenzie's eyes and for one minute, felt a pang of guilt. He quickly pushed that down. She would understand later.

"What's wrong now," the same guard growled.

Ethan swallowed hard, letting out a long moan before he answered. "The RESAT- It's- The RESAT is- to high."

The guard looked at the RESAT connected to Ethan. "It's on the same setting as before. Stop messing around and get up."

Ethan screamed in response, cupping his head in his hands.

"It's broken!" Mackenzie screamed at the guards. "His RESAT! It's broken! You need to get it off of him!"

"It's not broken," the guard responded, but Ethan could hear the doubt in his voice now. The guard knew as well as Ethan did that they were supposed to be taken to the cell alive. If Ethan died, the guard might as well.

Ethan let out another scream and fell onto his back. "Get it off!" He yelled. "P-please!" Ethan felt his shirt cling to his back due to his sweat. Fortunately, he compound was warm enough and his adrenaline was high enough to create this affect.

"It's killing him!" Mackenzie said. "Get that off him now, or he will die!"

"Alright, alright, fine!" The guard said. Ethan knew the moment the guard turned the RESAT off, but he kept screaming anyway. He wanted to see how far he could get.

"Off! Get it off him!" Mackenzie screamed. She started to rush toward Ethan but Raymond held her back. Ethan was thankful for that. He didn't know what the guards would have done to Mackenzie had she actually intervened. The guard, flustered and frustrated, finally gave in and completely unhooked Ethan from the RESAT.

Ethan didn't waste any time. He nailed the guard closest to him in the face with his foot then spun around and lunged at Mackenzie. He grabbed her wrist and looked up her face.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. He teleported her out of the compound and back to Nichelle's house, where she'd be safe. The last thing he saw was her face, laced with worry, fear and anger at his entire fiasco. Ethan hated to had to have worried her like that right after her mother was killed but it was the only option he had. Now, Mackenzie might actually be able to get some help.

Ethan heard a gun being loaded and before he could react, a RESAT dart was shot into his right thigh. Ethan yelped in pain as his right leg collapsed.

"Where did you send her?" The guard whom Ethan had kicked in the face yelled. The other guards behind him now had their weapons drawn and pointed at Ethan. None of them looked very happy. Especially the one who had a new bruise over his left eye.

"I'm not telling you," Ethan spat.

The guard glared at Ethan before he finally gave in and grabbed the RESAT. The guard calmly hooked Ethan up to the RESAT and began to turn it up way too high.

Now that the pain was real, Ethan no longer needed to act. He slid to the ground and began whimpering in pain.

The guard smiled sweetly with a hint of irony. "Feels good now that it's actually real, huh?" The guard kept going, until Ethan felt like his limbs were being torn from inside out. "You feel like telling me where you sent her yet?"

Ethan still shook his head. The guard moved to turn the RESAT up all the way. "Hey!" Raymond cut in. The guard looked up at him. "It doesn't matter if he got her out of here or not, you still can't kill him. Quentin and Tara would surely have your head if you reported to them with only one of the three glows they sent you away with."

The guard frowned, knowing that Raymond was right. He turned Ethan's RESAT down to a level slightly above normal then dragged Ethan to his feet by the collar of his shirt. "Doesn't matter anyway," he snarled. "We have a tracker on that RESAT."

Ethan's heart sunk. Of course they had a tracker on the RESAT. The guard tossed Ethan into the cell, then Raymond, before slamming it shut. Ethan laid there, panting and now fearing for everyone's life except his own.

"How did you do that?" Raymond asked.

"Do what?"

"Trick the guards."

"I don't know. I guess I was just lucky," Ethan shrugged.

"Well you had Mackenzie and I fooled too," Raymond said. "If we get out of this alive, you should consider becoming an actor."

"Well it's not like it even mattered," Ethan muttered. "They have a tracker on the RESAT. They're going to find all of them now because of me."

"Maybe not. Or maybe they'll see it coming and defend themselves. Who knows?"

"I know," Ethan responded. He dug his hands into his eye sockets and clutched his hair. "They already have my sister and now they're going to get Mackenzie and my brother too. All because of me."

"Emily's decision was her own," Raymond said. "I dislike is as much as you do but you can't put the blame on yourself for that. As for Mackenzie, you got her out didn't you?"

"Yeah but-"

"Ah, no 'but's. You got her out, she's with the others now and they can help each other stay out of Quentin and Tara's grasp."

Ethan nodded slowly. "I guess so," he sighed. Ethan slowly pushed himself into a sitting position and leaned against the wall, wiping the sweat off his forehead with his already drenched T-shirt.

"Why did you send her anyway?" Raymond asked through the darkness of the room.

"What do you mean?" Ethan responded.

"Why didn't you just teleport yourself out of there as soon as the guard took the RESAT off? How come you wanted to get Mackenzie out of here?"

Ethan slowly let go of a breath he didn't realize he had been holding. He hadn't really thought of that. It was just the first thing he thought of. The need to get Mackenzie to safety.

Ethan shrugged. "I guess I just wanted her to be be safe more than I wanted myself to be safe." (This line makes sense, right??)

Ethan could tell Raymond was nodding from across the room, even though he couldn't see him. "I can understand that," Raymond said softly. "More than anything, I just want your sister to be safe right now."


Also, thank you guys so much for how much you have been voting on my story so far! It really is great and it makes me happy that so many people read my book even if it's not that many people XD Just the fact that even one person is reading this fanfiction is so amazing to me.

Also, just a fun fact, the next chapter, chapter 50, was originally supposed to be the last chapter of this fanfic but now there are probably gonna be 57 chapters and an epilogue. If everything goes as planned anyway.

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