Chapter 8

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Ethan and Jacob looked at each other for a half a second, seeming to have a quick, quick conversation with each other. Jacob sighed, breaking their silent conversation and put his hands in the air. "Alright," he said. "We surrender."

Ethan looked at Jacob like he was crazy but Jacob shook his head and slowly walked toward the guy and me. The guy holding the gun to my head then pointed it at Jacob and demanded, "Stop right there."

Jacob stopped, keeping his hands in the air. "Get your brother to come stand next to you," he said. Both Jacob and the guy looked over to where Ethan was just standing but he wasn't there any more.

The guy cursed under his breathe. "Where is he?" The man yelled.

"hey bozo," Ethan said from behind us. "I'm back here."

The guy turned his head just in time to meet a punch in the face. He started to stumble back, scratching my throat a little. I shoved his arm away before he could do too much damage and ducked behind Ethan.

"Are you crazy?" I hissed to him. "You're going to get us all killed." But then again, Ethan did just save my life. And Jacob, who I was guessing was supposed to be a distraction.

I looked back at the man in the brown suit as he stumbled  back against some seats. He snarled at us. "You guys just killed yourselves."

Before any if us could do anything, the man lunged at the briefcase on the floor and pressed the button. I closed my eyes, expecting the plane to explode. Nothing happened. I opened my eyes and breathed out a laugh, thinking it was just a dud but the guy looked to be pleased. The plane suddenly made a stomach lurching drop, causing me to stumble into Ethan. I looked at my other brother, who seemed understandably freaked out, then at the man in the brown suit, who was just enjoying the last minutes of his life. The plane made another, stomach lurching drop and I realized that we're falling out if the sky.

I looked up at Ethan with wide eyes as the people in the plane begin panicking again. "You have to do something. We're going to crash."

Ethan looked just as scared as I did but he shakes his head. "I don't know- I don't know what to do." Ethan looked up at our brother a few seats down from us who also shook his head sadly.

"What do you mean you don't know?" I asked disbelievingly. This seemed like the first time that my brothers somehow did not have a plan. "There must be something we can do. We can't just let all these people die."

I watched mothers, fathers, brothers, sister's, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents and friends scrambling around the plan for their seat. They began putting those yellow tube things with the bags around their heads and all I could do is say to myself that they can't die. They were innocent. They had done nothing to deserve this. There had to be something that Jacob, Ethan and I could come up with to save them. They didn't deserve this.

I looked back at both my brothers again. "You need to do something," I said in almost a barely audible whisper.  I was still very conscious about the falling plane beneath be that was dropping out of the sky and bringing us all closer to our impending death. I could almost feel the plane dropping beneath me.

Jacob bit his lip. "Well, going for the man would be too risky and probably not beneficial."

"But you can fly! You could just lift the plan!" I stated

Jacob just stared at me like I was crazy. "I can't lift some thing as heavy as this plane, Emily."

I gritted my teeth in anger then looked at Ethan. "You can teleport everyone out of here."

"I can't teleport holding anything or anyone and I can't teleport far enough to reach the ground. I'm sorry Emily but there's no way-"

I cut him off again as I shoved through both of my brothers and walked towards the man who had caused all this chaos.

"Tell me how to save everyone on this plane," I demanded.

The guy snorted. "Honey, even if I wanted everyone on this plan to be saved, it couldn't be done. The moment I pressed that button, I doomed you all. There's no way to reverse it and no way to save yourselves."

The guy put his hands behind his head and closed his eyes. Jacob and Ethan walked up behind me and I bit my lip.

"He's lying," I said simply. "He's got to be lying. There has to be some way to save everyone!"

"We'll find a way, Emily. I promise," Jacob said. "How far above the ground are we."

I glanced out the window and stated, "probably around 1200 feet."

"Alright, we don't have much time. Ethan?"

As my brothers discussed a plan, I began thinking about what the man had said earlier about someone wanting to meet them. This spiked my curiosity in the man. I wandered back over to where he was lounging in his seat, the briefcase guarded by his legs.

"Who do you work for?" I asked the guy. "Who wants to meet my brothers."

"Classified," the man smirked.

"You're going to die anyway," I argued. "So why can't you just tell me?"

"Because I'd rather let you sit there and try to figure it out for yourself."

I groaned in irritation.

"Why did you do it?" I asked him tightly.

He looked up at me in boredom. "Why did I do what?"

"This," I said and gestured to the rest of the plane. "How could you condemn all of these innocent people to death?"

"Honey," the man said, "the way I see it, these people were already condemned to death. We're all going to die someday anyway. I'm just speeding up the process for them."

I balled my hands into fists as I tried to stay calm.

The guy, looking extremely comfortable even though this is the last few minutes of his life said, "I suggest that you get comfortable because, soon, we'll all be in Hell."

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