Why are You in My Life

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You walk out of the bakery with Hoseok "It's like everywhere I go he's there Hoseok." You say with distress.

"Well all of us know that he isn't over you, you guy were best friends since primary school. He's probably visiting the places you guys use to hang out at a lot." He says stuffing a cinnamon roll in his mouth.

He was right there. You still had the white t-shirt he signed for you when he was Runch Randa from his underground days. You would never let that be known to anyone especially Namjoon, and Jin. Jin would be heartbroken if he knew about that shirt.

"Well I better get going Jin has something special planned for our 3 month anniversary tonight." You say.

"Ooo sounds like fun. I'll walk you home so you can get ready." Says Hoseok.

As you walk into your apartment you see Yoongi "Hey Yoongi what's up?"

"Oh nothing just cleaning up your messes." Yoongi says with a roll of his eyes.

"Hey now don't talk to my sister like that." Says Jungkook.

"Fine. Sorry Y/N I was out of line." Yoongi says.

"You know honestly I would think there was something wrong if you didn't say the Yoongi" You say going into your room.

As you take off your jacket you hear the door to Jungkooks room open then close. Then there is a knock at the door. It can't be Jin he shouldn't be here for another two hours you put on your robe, and go answer the door. And standing there is a soaking wet Namjoon.

"Can I help you?" You say. Trying not to notice the way his white shirt clings to his muscles.

"I came to pick up Yoongi. He texted me to pick him up." Namjoon says.

"NO I DIDN'T!" Yelled Yoongi from Jungkooks room.

"What do you really want?" You demand.

"I just wanted to see you." Namjoon confessed his head hanging low.

"Can you just leave? I need to get ready for Jin." You say closing the door in Namjoon's face. "YOONGI!!!"

You see the green hair boy poke his head around the corner and ask "Can I help you?"

You walk into your apartment after you get back from your dinner with Jin, you take off your red stilettos, and you drop the white silk dress once you walk into your room. You hear your cell phone ring you look at the time and its 2 am, who could be calling. It's Hoseok.

"Hey Hobi! What's up?" You say yawning.

"Hurry down to the hospital. There's something wrong with Jimin." Hoseok say panicked.

"I'll be there in a few minutes." You say hanging up and putting the dress back on and grab a pair of tennis shoes. You go to Jung kook's room and say "Hey I have to go to the hospital I be back in a couple of hours."

"Wha ... Why are you going to the hospital?" Jungkook say rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"There's something wrong with Jimin. I'll be back soon." You say about to close the door.

"Where do you think you're going? I'm coming with you." Jungkook say putting on a shirt, and his Timberland boots.

"Alright but hurry." You say leaving his room.

You both walk to your car and you worry about Jimin. What could have happen? Did his gambling get the best of him?

You drive to the front door of the hospital and tell Jungkook to find Hoseok and stay with him while you park the car.

"But I've never met Hoseok I don't even know what he looks like." Jungkook whined.

"He'll find you don't worry I'll be inside within ten minutes." You say comforting him.

"Fine but be quick." Jungkook says jumping out the car.

You find a parking spot very quickly and run into the hospital. You find Yoongi, Jungkook, Hoseok, and Namjoon standing in a circle talking. You walk up and ask "What's wrong? What happen to Jimin?"

"We don't know." Says Namjoon

Unwanted Love: A BTS fan fic (Namjoon)Where stories live. Discover now