Lone sharks

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This chapter is when it start's getting a little mature

"What do you mean you don't know?!" You yell.

"It means I don't Y/N!" Namjoon yelled back.

"Let's not fight. Jimin is the one who is important right now." Hoseok inverted.

"He's right" Namjoon says turning away from you.

You turn away too and ask "Has the doctor told you anything Hoseok?"

"No he say he isn't at liberty right now we can't even see him." Hoseok squeaked out holding back the tears.

You go to sit down and call into your work, saying you won't be able to come in for a couple of days because of a family emergency, and they say to take your time and come back in when you can. You stay seated and vow you won't get up until Jimin come out of the hospital.

You then call Jin and tell him what's going on.

"I'll be over to the hospital soon" Jin says.

"Are you sure Namjoon is here." You question.

"If me being there to support you is bothering him that much he can either leave or get over it." Jin says "I'll be over soon."

"Okay see you soon."

You stay in the hospital waiting to see Jimin for 2 days the staff there offers wash your cloths and for you to use the staff shower to clean off, you accept and use as little time as possible and take a quick shower.

Everyone is in and out Namjoon has to go to work, Hoseok has to care for his dog Mickey, Jungkook is at work, Yoongi was getting stir crazy, and Jin has work as well. You're the only who stays constantly.

Someone is walking towards you and asks "Are you waiting for Park Jimin?"

You jump up "Yes! Is everything okay?"

"He was beaten up pretty badly he has a few broken ribs, and his lung was collapsing, someone found him in time and brought him here, and we fixed him up, so he'll be fine." The doctor says.

You breathe a sigh of relief "Can I see him?"

"Yes him just down the hall third door on the left." The doctor says to you, as you run down the hall to see Jimin.

When you get to the door you hear "Hey there" Jimin croaks.

He looks pretty bad form what you can see is only his arms and head. He has two black eyes one is still swollen shut, there is a bruise on his cheek, both lips are busted, his left wrist and hand are in a cast. His right arm looks even worse, there are stiches up and down his arm some start to bleed when he tried to sit up.

"Your arm is bleeding let me go get a nurse." You say about to walk out of the room.

"No because they will make you leave if you tell them." He says trying to stop you.

"What happen to you?" you ask.

"Let's just say loan sharks are a pain in the ass." He says with a chuckle but he doubles over in pain, you rush over to help, he holds out an arm saying "No I'm fine don't worry."

"Okay, lets me tell everyone you're up and talking now." You say still worried about him.

"You do that." He says laying back down.

You text everyone that Jimin is okay they are all happy he's fine. You also call a friends who moved to America. "Can I speak to Kim Taehyung please?"

"One moment please ... This is Taehyung speaking." Says a deep voice

"Tae its Y/N. Jimin is okay." You say happily.

"What do you mean?" Tae says confused.

"Didn't anyone tell you Jimin was in the hospital?" You ask, someone would obviously tell him Jimin and Tae are best friends.

"No but what happen I need to know!" Tae yelled. You explain what happen and all Tae says is "I'll be there by tomorrow" and hangs up.

You have someone with Jimin at all times until Tae gets there to be with Jimin. Until then you have to get back to work and make up for the 2 days you missed.

After a long day at work you go home and fall into a deep sleep.

He bites your neck

You dig your nails into his back

You moan with pleasure

He starts kissing down your neck down to your breast.

"oh please ..." you trail off

"oh please what." He asks with a smirk

"please don't stop." You finish

He doesn't stop he takes off your bra and continues to kiss you gently like a butterfly.

"oh Namjoon."

"there's my girl"

You bolt up from the dream in cold sweats.

"What is wrong with me?"you whisper to yourself.    

Unwanted Love: A BTS fan fic (Namjoon)Where stories live. Discover now