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Namjoon got to get his stitches about a month after the attack. You still worry about him though. He doesn't take going easy very well.

"Namjoon!" you yell looking for him. He wasn't in his room, but he had to be in the apartment. You found him in the bathroom, shirtless, looking at him his abdomen "What are you doing?" you ask looking at him ab's the scars are still bright red.

"I'm even more ugly now then I was." he says dead pan, covering up his ab's

You shut the the door behind, lock it, and shut it behind you. "You need to stop this. You are perfect to me, that's all that matters. When you say you are ugly, it makes me feel like I'm not good enough. Did you know that?" you say calmly, but near tears.

Namjoon's eyes get glassy and he wraps his arms around you suddenly "I never meant for you to feel like that. You will always be good enough for me."

At that moment you remember why you fell in love with him, his heart. He had the most sensitive heart, but he did often think of himself. But in those times were he didn't think of himself only he was the loveliest people you know. You were one of the lucky ones that got excepted into heart. 


After Namjoon got a shirt on, you two go out to the dinning room were Yoongi and Jungkook were playing the Red Hands games. (If you're not familiar with the game Red Hands message me and I will explain)

"What were you guys doing in there?" Yoongi questioned.

"Namjoon needed me to check his scars." you say.

Namjoon looked at you with a small smile. The way you can just tell the boys a lie like that, so you didn't have to explain yourself.

"Ha! If you say so." Jungkook snickers "BACK TO THE GAME!"

Namjoon and you laugh at Jungkook, and Yoongi could practically be brothers, they've spent so much time together in the past, and now that Yoongi as moved into the apartment they've become evern closer.

"Looks like the family you always wanted in right in front." Namjoon says kissing you on the top of the head.

Yes ... It does seem to be coming together  You think

Unwanted Love: A BTS fan fic (Namjoon)Where stories live. Discover now