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It has been a week since you've seen your baby girl and Namjoon was changing for the worst.

"Jagi-ah?" you whisper into the dark room that was Areums. The baby monitor was on but there was only static.

"Where is my baby?" Namjoons word slur. "WHERE IS MY AREUM-UK!?" he screams into the monitor he rears his hand behind his head. He throws the small cylindrical glass against the well and it shatters. A brown liquid covers the light yellow wall and the smell of hard liquor fills the room.

You walk as quietly as you can and as quickly as you can to another room. You pull out your phone phone and dial a number. "Yoongi!?" you whisper urgently.

"Y/N?" he asks knowing something is wrong. "What's wrong? What's wrong with him?"

"You need to come over and console him! He's going crazy!" you whisper into the phone.

"Y/N? Where are you?" you hear Namjoon call.

"Hurry!" you say to Yoongi. You hang up the phone. "Coming jagi!" you run to the kitchen. "What do you need baby?"

Namjoon had his back to you, his black rib tank showing off his strong arms, his hands placed on the counter, his head hanging low. His shoulders started shaking "I'm so so so sorry I couldn't protect her." his voice cracking when he spoke the word protect and only got higher when he got to her.

You ran to high made him face you, wrapping you arms around his waist and place your head on his chest. You detach yourself from him and take you his face chubby  in your hands and say "Don't you dare blame yourself. The person who we blame is Jin. He took our baby." tears run down his face, you brush them away with your right thumb and with your left thumb you brush his plump lip. " But I'm going to tell you know, drinking is not going to help Areum she will not get any closer to coming home of you do that. I called Yoongi, I have to go get him. I will be back okay." Namjoon nods his head. You miss him, letting go of his face you walk to the door, keys in hand. "I will see you soon. I love you." and you walk out.

You get to the door of your apartment complex and pull out a cigarette, you light it and walk to your car. You feel a tap on your left shoulder and turn around to see a tell figure looming over you.

And everything goes black.

Unwanted Love: A BTS fan fic (Namjoon)Where stories live. Discover now