They Finally Came Back

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Are we back together? Does he really love be back? Does he want me back?!  You are asking yourself these questions through out the day while your waiting for Namjoon to come back from work. Your job layed you off because of the stress you were under and that you were missing so many days. 

You hear a knock on the door. It becomes more urgent the longer you wait to answer it. When you open it you have to blink 3 times to make sure your not dreaming.

Yoongi is the door, with a beaten and bloody Jungkook.

"Help ..." is the only thing that comes from his mouth before he collapses


He wakes up on a bed eye lids heavy but he won the war and open them.

"JUNGKOOK!" he heard a girls voice say.

"...Y/N... Is that you?" he squeaks out.

"Yes it's me dongsaeng, noona is here. You safe now."  The girl said.

Then Jungkook blacked out.


You called Namjoon once you had the talked to Jungkook.

{What did you say?} Namjoon  sounded confused.

"The boys are here. They asleep in the bed. Come -"

{I'm on my way} Namjoon interupted. He hangs up. 

You hear foot steps behind you, turning around you see it Yoongi, you run and give him a hug. You were never found of this boy but you r were so glad he was okay. Surprisingly he hugged you back.

"Oh honey I'm here now nothing will get to." You say as though your his mother.

"I'm such an idiot. I shouldn't have gone to Jin when he called for us." Yoongi's voice cracked.

"What? I don't give a shit, I don't give a fuck  how it happen sweetie, I'm just happy you both are home." you say leading him to couch. You lay his head in you lap away from you stomach but he rolls over and faces your stomach. Nuzzling his face into your stomach he says "You smell like my eomma. Can I call you eomma?"

You pause and think. He has no parents, he practically lives with you since his aunt is an abusive drunk, and you've practically raised him. So he is like your son "Of course you can, love." you reply running your fingers through his hair.

"Saranghae-ah eomma." Is the last thing Yoongi says before he falls asleep.

About a half hour later Namjoon comes walking into the apartment and sees you still running you hands through Yoongis green hair. You turn your head he sees the tears running down your face. "What happen?"

"He told me what happen." You choke.

"Well then. Tell me." Namjoon demanded.

You tell Namjoon what Yoongi says. That Jin said he needed help with moving something into the apartment and when Yoongi and Jungkook got there the whole apartment was dark and then Yoongi heard a crack and Jungkook fell to the ground, Yoongi turned around to see Jin with a crazed look with a bat in his hand and he hit Yoongi on the head and then Yoongi woke up in a empty room and  Jungkook was no where to be found, then Yoongi heard the scream, the one that give you nightmare and have to go into therapy for years to forget. 

"He didn't tell me how they got out, and frankly I don't want to know." You say a fresh stream of tears running down your face.

"Anything else?" Namjoon said, jaw tight and fist clenched.

You pause and think, should you tell him that you gave Yoongi permission to call you eomma? You decide to tell him "I gave Yoongi permission to call me eomma. I don't want to hear you complain about it so keep your trap shut."

"Well I only see it appropriate, he called you eomma when he talked about you when he talked to me." Namjoon said straight faced.

You both sit there until Yoongi woke up and mubbled "Eomma."

"Yes, baby?" you anwser.

"I'm hungry can you make food?"

"Of course, Love." you say getting up.

It's just like we are a family You think smiling.

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