I'm Coming Home

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Jungkook was discharged from the hospital 2 weeks later. He couldn't lift anything heavier then 5  pounds. That was a hard thing for Jungkook to remember considering he lived with you and you could barely lift 20 pounds. Thank goodness you had Namjoon and Yoongi. At times it really wasn't hard, Jungkook started sleeping most of the day to heal faster.

Namjoon walked into the apartment, after work one day to find you drawing. You quickly close up the sketch pad when you see him walk in. "What are you drawing?! I really want to know!"

You hold the sketch pad to your chest and say "It's not finished, and I won't ever show you." Then you run to the kitchen.

Namjoon runs after you and finally catches you when you fall on the couch. He takes the sketch book from your hand and starts looking through it. He finally finds what he is looking for. It's of him, he knows this even though the only thing that is drawn are his lips. 

"Why would you draw something so ugly?" He says giving you the sketch pad back.

You knew that Namjoon had problems with the way he looks but you never understood why. He was beautiful in every way. He had full lips, intense dark eyes that could turn into an innocent eye smile, his smile was amazing like rays of light in the darkest time. From his eyes, to his nose, to his lips he was perfect. You respond with this "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I don't draw ugly things, I only draw beautiful things." 

This shuts Namjoon up really quick. "What's been bothering you?" you ask him.

He doesn't say anything at first, he's thinking of the very best answer, he finally says "Myself. And how I couldn't protect Jungkook from Jin."

You hear your heart shatter, how could something like that be his fault? Before you can say anything, you hear Jungkook's bedroom door open and Jungkook it standing in the door way, while Yoongi his standing behind him, Jungkook says "You listen here. It was not your fault. It was that bastard Jin's faut. Once we find him, he's going down. Okay?"

You sit there in shock. How could your little brother be talking like that since he was just hurt, he acted like he was going to be going into battle with in days and he was going to join. But in reality he was going to e resting in that room.

"I won't be going, but Yoongi is tagging along with you to take me place."

"I'm not okay with that. You two boys will not be going with my anywhere anymore. Got it?" Namjoon said sternly.

Just as Jungkook was about to protest, Namjoon got up and walked out of the apartment.


It's been raining for weeks! When will it stop?!  Namjoon thought as he stood below a awning. He put's his ear buds in and pressed shuffle. Eyes, Nose, Lips by Taeyang plays and he instantly thinks of you.

"NAMJOON!" yells someone. Of course he doesn't hear the person his music is too loud. The person walks up to Namjoon and taps him on the shoulder. Namjon looks up

"Hey Namjoon. Hows your side?" says Jin.

Unwanted Love: A BTS fan fic (Namjoon)Where stories live. Discover now