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I honestly didn't have anything going on in school 

so I'll probably update 2 more times today 

You walk into the hospital to see Jimin. You walk into his room and he's gone. You walk up to the main desk and ask "What room is Park Jimin in?"

The receptionist checks the room listing and her computer "It seems he discharged himself last night." She said looking up to you.

"Oh shit." You say running out to your car

You drive to the hotel Teahyung is staying at. You come to the door practically kicking it. "KIM TAEHYUNG! GET THE FUCK OUT HERE!"

You here movement in the hotel room, you see the door open "Why are you yelling Y/N?"

You push past him and start searching the room.

"What the hell are you doing?!" he yells.

"Where is Jimin?!" you yell at him.

"At the hospital! Where else would he be!" he screamed at you.

"HE'S NOT THERE!" you scream back.

"Wait ... what do you mean?" Taehyung says on the edge of tears.

"You don't know where he's at?" you say in disbelief.

"I was just here a couple of hours ago and he was asleep so I left." He says collapsing on the bed.

"I'll go find him, you stay here and I'll keep you posted on it. Okay?" you say reassuringly. You walk out the room. You hear a wail of agony and things breaking in Tae's room. You start to walk faster.


You meet up with Jin and go to lunch. You tell him what has happen bout Jimin.

"How could he discharge himself without the doctor knowing? And you have no idea where he is?" Jin asked curiously

"No it's like he's gone from the face of the earth." You say solemnly.

"Let's go back to your place we can just relax there." Jin says with a small smile.

You nod your head in agreement. You stand up to go to the car. When you arrive at your apartment. You go straight to the couch a lay down on your back, you see Jin's broad shoulders loom over you. He lays on top of you. His head is on your chest, you wrap your arms around him. He always lays like this, he says he love the sound of your heart. You both fall asleep.


Namjoon is walking down the hall of your apartment to come pick up Yoongi. He can't believe Yoongi threw him under the bus like that he did text Namjoon to pick him up. And then said he didn't text him at all. So being the bigger person in the situation Namjoon covered for Yoongi and got yelled at by you.

Namjoon gets to the door and he finds it open, he looks in and he finds you laying on your back holding Jin while he lays on you. You both are fast asleep. Namjoon can't stand the sight of you literally sleeping with someone else. He just walks away not making his presents a total secret.


You wake up to your phone ringing, you answer groggily "Hello" rubbing the sleep from your eyes.

"I found Jiminie" says Taehyung.

You try to sit up but then you remember you have a 135 pound male on top of you. You try to wake him up so you can get up, but all he does is nuzzle closer to you. So you just give up on waking him up. "Where is he at?"

"Well he just came to my hotel room, and refuses to go back to the hospital." Tae says quietly.

"I'll come over and talk some sense into him." You say trying to push Jin off of you.

"NO! He doesn't want you guys to come over." Tae says to stop you.

"Okay." You say confused "I'll see you later then?"

"Yeah see you later." Tae says sadly.


"WHAT THE FUCK YOONGI! WHERE ARE YOU AT?!" Namjoon screams into his phone.


Namjoon trying to calm his temper tries again "You said you were at their apartment where you are at?"

"Why are you yelling at me?" Yoongi pressed.

Namjoon sighs "When I went over to pick you up a saw Jin and Y/N sleeping on the couch. Jin's head was on her chest just like I would when we took naps" Namjoon's voice cracked telling Yoongi "She had her arms around him, man. Just like she would do with me." Namjoon was full on crying by now.

"Oh my god, Namjoon .." Yoongi trailed off.

"I have to go, man." Namjoon says.

"No Namj-" Yoongi was cut off by Namjoon hanging up.

Namjoon walks around town for a while, even though he had quit smoking a while back he sure was craving a cigarette. You were driving him crazy. He just wanted you back, but finding Jin and you napping on the couch made it clear you didn't want him anymore.

Namjoon made it back to his apartment. It was dark and the walls were bare, you had taken everything when you left him. He thought to himself all those months ago that he was going to make this place his, that he would put his posters up and make this his place. Little did he know that he didn't have the heart to cover up the outlines of the picture that use to hang there, it was all he had left of you.

You took all the pictures. They were yours of course but somehow you missed one. Namjoon took the picture out of the drawer of the night table next to his bed. It was of him and you laying in a field you were using his arm as a pillow with your head under his chin. You both were asleep. Holding one another, looking so peacefully.

Namjoon started crying. His tears landing on the picture where your face was. He was done with this, he picked up his leather jacket and went out to a club

Is it good? Please tell me.

This is my first fan fic so I really need feedback (Good or bad) 

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