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You sit there your head on Namjoon's chest you suddenly say I think I'm going to change my hair."

"What color do you want this time?" He says checking his phone. He was really uneasy about letting the boys outside since the last time they were taken away. So he told they boys to text him every 20 minutes to let him know they are okay. He's such a dad sometimes.

"I don't know. What do you think" you say.

"Purple" he says, still waiting for a text from the boys.

"I've already done purple." you whine.

He looks up from his phone and says "One, you know I hate what you sound like when you whine so stop. Two, not like the pastel but like a deep royal purple."

"Why royal purple." you ask confused.

"Because your my queen." He says looking you straight in the eye.


Two hours later when you come out of the bathroom from doing your hair you have dark brown on the top and and royal purple on the bottom.

"It's a lot more vibrant then I wanted." you say cringing looking at your reflection in the dark window.

Namjoon comes from behind you and wraps his arms around you waist and says "It looks good on you. Gives you color."

You were about to reply hen Jungkook comes through the door with no Yoongi.

Namjoon notices immediately and says "Where's  Yoongi?"

Jungkook looks confused "He isn't here?"

"No he's not. Where is he at?" You say panicked. 

"He said he was coming back to the house hours ago. He's suppose to be here." Jungkook said now looking panicked.

You run out of the apartment, once you get to the side walk out outside you scream "MIN YOONGI!"


You look for hours screaming his name. Jungkook and Namjoon trailing behind you. 

You hear laughter and someone crying telling someone else to stop. You know it's Yoongi instantly, and run to the cries.

You come to a halt when you see a group of tall muscular men kicking a smaller boy with mint green hair.

Your maternal instincts kick in and you run up to one of the biggest guy you have possibly seen tap his shoulder and when he turns around you say "Get the fuck away from my son." and kick him in the groin.

 You run to the middle of the mosh pit. You throw yourself over Yoongi to protect him, you get kicked one or twice but you saved Yoongi and that's all that matters.

"Get out of the way bitch. We aren't finished with this punk yet." said the gangster.

"What the fuck did you just call her." you hear a voice say.

You look up and see your best friend and first love. Not Namjoon but Jackson Wang.

"I called her a bit-" the gangster never finished. Jackson grabbed the gangsters head. smashed it up against a near by brick wall, and and dragged it down the wall.

"You should learn some manners." Jackson growls into the gangsters ear.

Jackson proceeds to throw the gangster on his back and stomping his ribs in. You hear the sound of rips snapping. You cover Yoongi's ears so he doesn't hear.

When Jackson is done you hear Yoongi sobbing.

"Shh shh shh eomma is hear baby no one is going to hurt you anymore." kissing kis temple you reassure him.

"Y/N. Long time no see." Jackson says panting.

Unwanted Love: A BTS fan fic (Namjoon)Where stories live. Discover now