Toxic Love

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"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" you scream back hitting his phone away from your face.

"I'M TALKING ABOUT THE FUCKING GUY FUCKING WALKING WITH YOU!" Namjoon screams shoving the phone back in your face.

You grab the phone from his hand and throwing it to a wall, it shatters "DON'T YOU DARE ACCUSE ME OF CHEATING! LOOK IN THE MIRROR IF YOU WANT TO SEE A CHEATER!" You scream backing Namjoon into a wall "JUNGKOOK! YOONGI! GRAB YOUR THINGS! WE'RE LEAVING!"

"Wait Y/N-" Namjoon starts.

"NO NAMJOON! I knew I shouldn't have come back to this relationship! YOUR LOVE IS TOXIC! YOU DON'T LOVE YOURSELF SO YOU CAN'T LOVE OTHERS!" You scream from a room in the apartment.

"Don't leave! You're all that I have Y/N!" Namjoon yells down the hall as he see's you, Jungkook, and Yoongi leaving.

The last thing he see's is your tear stained face, as the elevator doors close.


You ride in a taxi until you can think of a place where you and your boys can stay. Then it pops in your head the place to stay. You tell the driver the place to go.

The door opens "Oh hey." Jackson says.

"Hey." you squeak out looking at your feet, you look up to him tears running down your face you place your left hand on your forehead and you right hand on you hip "Um." you burst into tears putting your hand over your face.

Jackson pulls you in for a hug "Shh you don't need to say anything, stay here until you can get everything straightened out. " he leads you into the apartment. He nods his head to tell the boys to bring everything in "You guys make yourself comfortable. Y/N you can take my room. Down the hall is were there is a spare room but with only one bed." He said looks at the boys "I can go buy a cot, or you guys can figure something out, what do you want to do?"

Yoongi and Jungkook look at one another for a moment "We can figure something out , don't worry." Jungkook finally says.

"Where will you sleep?" you ask wiping your face.

Jackson smiles and says "Don't worry about me. I'll figure something out."

"Okay." you says, looking out the window.


As you're getting ready for bed. You walk into Jacksons room you see a Squirtle pushy and chuckle.

"Is everything okay?" Jackson says behind you, leaning on the door frame.

"Yeah. Do you remember when we were in high school and I called you Squirtle around my friends when you were around thinking you wouldn't figure it out? But you did anyways." you say smiling biting the left side of you bottom lip.

"Oh yeah ha! I always thought that was cute. I miss how simple everything was back then." Jackson says arms crossed, smiling, walking around the room.

"Yeah but that's the past, we can only look forward." You say looking at your hands "Well I better get to bed." you say, only wanting him out of the room.

"Okay good night!" Jackson said walking out of the room.

"Good night ... Squirtle." you say

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