Princess Monster

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Ahead of time I wanted to apologize what happens in this chapter.

"What?" was all you could say.

"I'm sorry ma'am." the nurse said giving you Aruem.

You look down at you little girl. You thought that she would never hear your voice. She would never hear Namjoon sing her to sleep. She would never be able to hear a teacher call her name in a normal class. "My love, everything is going to be okay." Namjoon reassured you "We will make her life as normal as it can get. Our Princess Monster is perfect." You thought about it and he was right. You thought she's perfect.

You bring Aruem home. You have the nursery done. All gender neutral colors you didn't like it was people made their nurseries pink because it was a girl or blue because it was a boy. You went with yellows, oranges, reds. All on the softer side for the baby. Now that you are in the room and see how beautiful it is your glad Aruem isn't blind.

1 month leap

You, Namjoon, and Aruem have a schedule going on. Its smooth its nice its perfect like that a week into having her home you have a routine. You walk into Aruem's like you do every morning at 8:30 a.m., you walk to the crib and scream. Namjoon runs to you "What happen jagi-ah?" he says sliding into the room in his socks, low tide pajama pants, no shirt, and messy hair. You can't speak you have years running down your cheeks all you do is point to her crib. Namjoon walks over to the crib and looks in, he turns gray "Where is she! Where's my baby?!" All of the sudden you hear the wail of a new born babe, you both look at each other and run towards the cry. All you find is a baby monitor on your kitchen table.

The crying stops and you hear heavy breathing "I see you've found the absence of the wail of a little babe in the morning begging mommy for food." a voice says over the monitor "Have you found the note yet? It should be close by." the voice goes I to a sadistic chuckle.

Namjoon status throwing things across the kitchen looking for the note. You are unable to move. You wanted to help find the note but the only think you could. Concentrate on was how much that voice sounded like Jin's. You feel a drop land on your foot. You look at your foot and see a perfectly round crimson circle on your foot. Then another circle appears next to it you start to notice the distinct sent of copper filling the room. You have the urge to look up and you fulfill that urge, and you realize that it is the biggest mistake you've ever made.

You see in red WHY DONT YOU LOVE ME?! written on the ceiling. You scream. Namjoon looks at you and looks up to see what you are looking at. Once he's done reading it he rushes to you grabs the baby monitor and runs out the room you slung on his shoulder. Once you get to another room the voice starts talking again "I see you've found my note. Oh don't worry its not her blood, its mine. I hope you liked it."

Namjoon sits on the ground pulls you in his lap, starts stroking your hair, while rocking you. "Shhh Y/N we will get her back." Namjoon repeats to you over and over again.

The person who's on the baby monitor speaks up again. "Well Y/N answer me. Why don't you love me? Huh!? WHY DON'T YOU LOVE ME?! MAYBE IF YOU LOVED ME THIS WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPEN!"

Namjoon grabs the monitor and throws it at a wall as hard as he can and it shatters. "Don't listen to him Y/N he's crazy." Namjoon says trying to comfort you. But all you can think is:

How come I couldn't protect my baby?

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