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Before Namjoon got outside his apartment complex he ran into someone.

"Namjoon!" you say.

He freezes at the sound of your voice, thoughts run through his head, why are you here, why had you come to him while you were with Jin? "I'm right here you don't have to yell."

"Have you seen Jungkook or Yoongi!?" You yell in a panic, gripping to Namjoon's shirt.

Namjoon was confused he was just on the phone with Yoongi a few hours ago. But he didn't let it show he was just going to act nasty towards you and acted like it didn't kill him inside to say this "Why don't you ask Jin to help you?" Namjoon said not all that nicely eiter.

You start crying "Jin said I was better off without Jungkook. He said I shouldn't go after and look Jungkook."

"THAT BASTARD!" Namjoon yelled "And you stayed with him for how long?! You're probably still with him too!"

Tears streaming down your face you scream "NO I'M NOT! I THREW HIS ASS OUT ON THE STREET! AND I CAME TO YOU THINKING YOU WOULD HELP! I guess I was wrong." You say turning around.

Namjoon grabs your arm and pulls you close to him "You know I love that kid, I will always help to find him."

You start crying again "I'm scared Namjoon." You squeak into his chest.

"I'm here for you, I always will be." Namjoon says leading you inside.

You fall asleep on Namjoon's bed, you wake up in the middle of the night in cold sweats. Laying awake for hours you start looking through Namjoons nightstand drawers thinking he would have something to help you go back to sleep, you find a picture of Namjoon and you in a field, you both were asleep, you using his arm as a pillow, and his chin on top of your head. You both were so happy then. Then something changed with in one of you or both of you, you couldn't remember which. You wish you could go back in time and fix whatever was wrong. You lay back down and fall asleep with the picture still in your hand

Namjoon lay awake on his couch, he was of how much you have changed since high school in New Zealand. Then you had dirty blonde hair it was long and wavy it matched your eyes perfectly, your cloths were always bright and beautiful colors which matched your childish personality. Then you both graduated and went separate ways. You found each one more in Gangbuk district in Seoul, and you had changed completely, your hair was dark brown which faded to red and you wore all black all the time, with red high cut converse.

If anyone would have asked if he liked your change he would have said no, but secretly he loved it, he thought you looked more sexy and better then back in New Zealand. You looked very happy now, you seemed more self-loving now. You had gone through so many colors with your hair but you always had the dark brown, and at this moment you had blue and brown, it made your eyes pop beautifully.

When he thought of you like that he longed to just hold you. When he saw you crying he wanted to hold, and when you told him what Jin said about Jungkook he would was about to kill for you. He thought about how crazy he acted around you, the lengths he would go to see you happy and smile.

The next morning Namjoon and you call the police all day. Namjoon breaks the silence saying "I'm starving. Do you want something to eat?"

You look at the clock and see that it's four in the afternoon, and then you realize you haven't eaten since last night when you figured out Jungkook wasn't home with Yoongi. Your stomach growls and your eyes about pop of your head.

"I'm going to take that as a yes." Namjoon says with a smirk and a smile.

He starts speaking in Korean, you can't really understand what he's saying even though being here for about six years you still can't exactly understand what people say. You know he's getting upset with the operator on the other end because you hear Namjoon say under his breath "baepsae". All do is you chuckle when he looks at you points at the phone, and rolls his eyes.

You continue to call places where Jungkook would be, then your cell phone rings "Hello?"

"You need to stop calling the police for Jungkook and Yoongi." Says what sounds roughly like Jimin "I know where they are at and the police won't help."

"Jimin what are you talking about?" you ask, Namjoon hearing the distress in your voice hangs up the phone.

"Jin has Yoongi, and Jungkook. It's not good, you need to call Jin and talk to him now!" Jimin says rushed.

"Namjoon-" you start to say.

"Wait! You're with Namjoon!?" Jimin saiys sounding scared "Oh my God."

"Yeah, why what's wrong?" You say rushed.

"Jin hates Namjoon, if you're with him he won't give you the boys." Jimin says.

Then a thought pops into your head "Jimin? How do you know all of this?"

There's a pause "I work for Jin." Jimin finally says.

"What do you mean work for Jin?" You demanded.

Jimin explained that Jin was in the Korean Mafia, and dragged him along to join. Little did Jimin know that Jin had pure evil in his blood. The only reason Jimin joined was because Jin said he would kill the people he loved. You were one of the people Jin was going to kill. "I couldn't let you get hurt Y/N ... I couldn't." Jimin says sobbing.

You couldn't speak to him so you hung up the phone. You look at Namjoon mouth agape.

"What's wrong Y/N? Y/N! What's wrong!?" Namjoon shouted.

You focus on him andfinally say in a soft voice "Jin has the boys." Then everything goes blackw

Unwanted Love: A BTS fan fic (Namjoon)Where stories live. Discover now