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You lay with Namjoon in bed soaking up his scent. You brought him home earlier that day and put him straight to bed. He said he was having pain in his  abdomen so you give him some of his prescription pain killers. You kind of regret it afterwards.

"Come here and lay with me ... right  now."he says with slurred words.

"I have to make food for Jungkook, and Yoongi." you say trying to get away. Normally you wouldn't mind the attention but Namjoon was getting a little too handsy for your patience right now.

You hear Jungkook yell from the other room "FOR GODS SAKE JUST LAY WITH HIM! WE CAN MAKE OUR OWN FOOD!"

You sigh heavily but you don't want to lay wit him when he's like this. But you relent and lay with him.

"YAY! The most beautiful girl will lay with me! WOO!" Namjoon says groggily .

"I'm far from the most beautiful girl but whatever you say." you say laying a couple of inches away from him.

He pulls you closer to him "Why won't you accept mt loufe?!" Namjoon mumbled into your hair.

You feel something warm when you stomach touches his. You scoot away from him just long enough to see both of you are covered in his blood.

"Namjoon, we have to get you to the hospital. You're stitches broke." you try to get him up, but you see that he's fallen asleep.


Ten minutes later the doctor was at the door. "I told you no sex." he says looking over his round wire frame glasses. 

"We didn't have sex he was just bugging me about laying down with him." you say honestly.

The doctor looks to Jungkook and Yoongi "It's true" Jungkook says "Nothing happen."

"Okay give me a couple of minutes and I'll have him all stitched up and not bleeding." The doctor says walking into the room Namjoon is laying in.

When he comes out, you do a 90 degree bow saying "Kamsahamnida."

"Why are you thanking me?" the doctor looks at you in confusion.

"You've saved by brother, and my love. Why wouldn't I thank you." You say.

"It's no problem, just doing my job." Dr. Gun Joon says lifting you by your shoulders so you're standing straight. 

"Well it's a big deal for me, how can I ever repay you?" you ask.

"Don't worry about it." Dr. Gun Joon says patting your back, then walking out the door.

I thought I would make these last two part more light hearted and give Namjoon a break from getting hurt so much

Unwanted Love: A BTS fan fic (Namjoon)Where stories live. Discover now