Welcome Kim Aruem-Uk

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Namjoon and you sit in the doctors office. You due date for the baby was two weeks ago, you were terrified something was wrong so you go straight to the doctors, now you are waiting and you are becoming more nervous by the minute. It's cold and you start shivering "Do you want my jacket, jagi?" Namjoon asks you.

You shake your head "I should have brought my own." You say cupping you hands around your elbows. Namjoon proceeds to take off his jacket and cover you with it. You lay your head on his shoulder and say "I'm scared for her. I want her to be okay."

Namjoon lays his head on yours and he's says "So do I Y/N, so do I." Then he kisses the top of your head.

"The Kim family can come back and see the doctor." says the assistant.

You both walk into the office and see Namjoons doctor from when he got attacked. "Dr. Kim Gun Joon." You say, trying to bow over your bloated belly.

"Oh there is no need to do that." he says coming over so you. He bows and shakes Namjoons hand and says "I see you are making that family you were wanting to make." You look at Namjoon wide eyed in surprise, and suddenly Namjoon found something interesting on his phone.

"We are just here because the baby is late." You say wringing your hands but never stopped smiling.

"Well I hope everything is alright and the baby is healthy. I have to go to my other patients." Dr. Gun Joon says.

When the doctor walks away you go into your room and wait for you maternal doctor to come in. Until she does come in you and Namjoon sit in silence you know you're are going to have to talk about what the doctor said earlier.

The door opens and this middle aged woman walks in and says "Hello I am your doctor don't bother learning my name because this is going to the last time you see me. You're two weeks late. so we are going to induce you."

"When are we going to do that." Namjoon and you say at the same time.

"Right now." the doctor says and walks out of the room.

"Well fuck." Namjoon says looking at you.


You were in the delivery room and Namjoon was sent to sit in the waiting room. There wasn't a time when he wasn't scared for you. He would hear people running down halls and calling for pain killers. and hoping it wasn't for you.

After was seemed like years but was really just hours someone called for Namjoon but he didn't hear them because he was so focused so worrying about you and the baby.

"Mr. Kim Namjoon?" a nurse says shaking his shoulder.

He looked up and says "Uh, yeah that's me."

"Would you like to come meet your daughter?" the nurse says smiling.

A smile blossoms on Namjoons lips "Yes of course."

"Follow me." the nurse turns around and takes Namjoon to the room the moved you to.

There Namjoon sees you and the baby. "Oh My lovely queen and my sweet little princess."

"Can I see your daughter so I can do a hearing test?"

"Yes you can." You say. You give the baby to the nurse and grab Namjoons hand. "I'm sorry I look terrible."

"You never look terrible, you look more lovely then usual." Namjoon says brushing hair from your face.

"Excuse me." the nurse says. You both look at her. "I have good news and bad news. Good news is that your baby is healthy. Bad news is that she's deaf."

Unwanted Love: A BTS fan fic (Namjoon)Where stories live. Discover now