I Like The Way It Hurts

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Jimin stand in the door way still rubbing his face his face when you attacked him in the other room.

"I like the way you hurt me Y/N. But hat did you expect Y/N? That I would just lay there while you take that fucking baby?" Jimin said swelling starting on his left eye "Your out of your God damn mind if you think that. Jin has gone crazy because of that thing and all because she came from you. So if you think that'll happen you are sorely mistaken."

Areum had finally calmed down when she got into your arms. You were looking around to see what you could use to defend yourself and her with. Then you spot it. One of the bar's on the crib. If you could some how rip the bar from the crib itself "Okay." You say "Just let me put her down and you can put me back in the room." you lay Areum in the farthest corner of the room since the crib is in the middle of the room and Jimin is at the door you. You start walking towards Jimin. Just as you get to the crib you look Jimin straight in the eye and look at the crib. You put your hand on the crib and start to caress the wood framing of the same structure. In quick movement's you kneel down and rip the bar out like pulling a thread off of your shirt. You then stand up place the wood bar on your shoulder Like Harely Quinn does with her base ball bat.

"Come on take me to that room." you say.

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