You've Got To Be Joking

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This story is sadly coming to an end in this part. I'm sad but at the same time glad. Sad because this, from what I've heard and been told, that this was a good story for a first time story, and all the personas are going away now. Glad because this was very hard to write, and tears can finally stop falling down my face from all the angst in this story. And I am so very sorry it has taken so long.

I want to thank all my friends on here that helped me through this rough story, all my friends out side of here who encouraged me to keep writing when I honestly just wanted to delete this story. I wanted to thank my brother who actually read some of this story and actually said it was pretty good. And also thank you my readers who read all the was through this story, granted some parts were slow and boring but you toughed through it.

And I thank you.


You follow the screaming of Namjoon.

You didn't want to but you had to find him. The screaming had stopped. You stopped with listening ears, the tension you were building all by yourself was already high. The silence is broken with a laugh that could only come from Lucifer himself, I hair raise on your arms and the back of your neck. This person was laughing to a door to your to you left. You can't breath as you take the door knob in your hand and you hear another laugh. You slowly turn the knob. The door swings open acting like is possessed by something, and you see Namjoon laying on his back in a pool of his own blood. You run to Namjoon. You kneel next to him and see blood still pulsing from some parts of his body, his breathing was short and rapid.

"No no no no. You can't leave us now. We need you." you grunt from under your breath.

"Is he not waking up? I wonder why that is." someone says in the dark.

"Jin! Leave us alone! We did nothing to you! Why are you doing this?!" you yell , putting your tiny hands on Namjoon as if that would save him.

"Why do you ask stupid question Y/N?" Jin said, walking out of the dark and crouching so his chin would rest on his knees. "You are driving me crazy, I really want you and I'll do anything to have you as mine, and you not wanting me back and you not coming back to me is driving me insane, and I'm pretty sure the only way for you to come back to me is to kill everyone you love. Even that abomination of a baby."

"You've got to be joking. Why would I do that?" you say astonished.

"Because," Jin says scooting closer to you "because if you don't come back to me, I'll continue to kill everyone you love." he whispers that in your ear giving a birth of goose bumps starting at the base of your hair line and down your back. At the sight of that Jin starts giggling like a little school girl.

Unknowingly tears fall down your face leaving streaks in the dirt on your face. "You can't do that." you say.

Jin becomes serious in one second "Oh? Says who cunt!" Jin punches you in the face knowing it will leave a bruise.

You fall to the  ground dazed, you look around for something to defend you, you spot it. A mirror hanging on a wall not far from you. All you had to do was get yourself closer to it and that was going to be way harder then it should be. But you had a plan that was going to get you beat up even more then you ever would want. "Because I said so, that's why." you say sternly.

Another blow to the face right in the cheek Jin had cut. Blood started gushing again from the fleshy crevice, "Did you just tell me I couldn't do what I want, Cow?"

You fall again you look through your unswollen eye to the mirror, "Yes I did, what are you going to do about it?" you taunt. Jin hits again you again in the nose. You feel warm liquid run down your cupids bow, across your lips, and the warmth hits your chin. The hit throws you into the wall, and the mirror falls to the ground and breaks. You look down to the floor by your shoe and see that part of the mirror is big enough to be seen as a knife.

"THAT'S WHAT I'LL DO COW!" Jin screams as he runs at you.

You quickly pick the shard and jam it into Jins neck. He freezes and just stares at you for what seems like almost a minute, Jin then pulls the shard out of his neck and blood starts pulsing out of the gash. You can tell he feels the warm liquid running down his neck, because he touch the wound with his hand.

When he pulls his hand away his eyes look at the red dripping from his fingers, and they grow wide, he looks up to you his face drained of color with the most innocent confused look and he says "But I loved you." A tear rolls down his sunken cheek. He falls to the ground.

You didn't realize your were holding your breath until you let out a ragged sigh. You stood there for what seemed like 15 minutes but was probably only about 5 seconds. You snap from your daze and look down at Namjoon. The blood stopped spilling from him, and his breathing had completely stopped. "No you can't be gone now."

You grab him buy the armpits and start to drag him to the room across the hall to the front door. You reach the door with all the effort you had left. You get the door opens and drag Namjoon out on to the and there are lights flashing the colors red and blue, someone touches your back. You drop the grip you had on Namjoon and turned around with you fist in the air, they were grabbed by big strong hands.

"Miss, miss! It's the police! You're safe now! Are you Y/N Jungkook?" someone said.

You stop and look up to a tall, broad shouldered man in a police uniform "Help him! He needs help!" You wheeze pointing to Namjoon lying eerily still.


The EMT's rush over to Namjoon "I've got no pulse." one of the EMT's says. The second cuts off the remainder of Namjoons shirt and pulls a difibulator out of a bag rubs the flat peices together and place then on Najoons bare chest waiting for the first EMT to give a signal "Clear." can the EMT zaps Namjoons making his body jump. THe first EMT checks for his heart beat "Again." The process is repeated. "Clear." The electric pulse is sent through Namjoon once again. The EMT checks for a pulse again. You wait shaking and wanting to scream. "We have a pulse." he says "Put him on the gurney. Ma'am can you come with us we need you to help fill out his paper work. Do you know is age?"

"He's 23."

"Next of kin?"

You climb in to the ambulance "Me and his daughter."

"Marrital staus." the EMT sits across from you while the other sets to work of sticking needles into Namjoon.

You think, you and Namjoon never labeled what you to were but you hurry and say "Engaged."

You eventually arrive to the hospital and are stopped at the door by a nurse who says you can't go any further.

Okay, I'll wait here then. You think.


Days past and you still cant see Namjoon, you never leave in fear it might be your last time seeing him. Finally a week after he is addmitted you get to see him.

You walk into his room and you see someone who once resembled Namjoon, but the were skin and bones and had the skin of old parchment paper. You just sit next to him bed and look at him, over joyed that he's still alive.

Forever and always my love, you will be mine.  You think. You take his hand in your and slowly fall asleep in the chair next to him.

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