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You are 5 months pregnant. You start to let Namjoon into your life slowly. You let him give you things for the baby. You know it's a girl but you have yet to tell Namjoon. When he brings you the crib for her you decide it's time to tell him.

"Um. Namjoon?" you say.

"Yes jagi?" Namjoon says turning around lookin at you with a dimpled smile.

"I need to tell you something, I've known for a while" you say looking at your hands, Namjoon gives you a look of concern "It's a girl."

Namjoon had to think for a second of what that meant, then realization swept over his face with a large smile "Oh my goodness jagi you scared me" he said running over to hug you "As long as the baby is healthy and happy I could care less what gender the baby is." he says pulling away from you.

"Okay" you say tearing up.


"When are you having the baby shower?" Namjoon yelled from the babies room.

"I don't know. I don't have any friends that are girls." you reply sitting in your bedroom reading.

"Okay do you want to have the  wedding before or after the baby?" Najoon says out of the blue. You freeze, you promised yourself you wouldn't get pregnant, ever, and look where that got you. You never wanted to get married, you thought you had told Namjoon that "I know you never really wanted to get married but since you're pregnant now doesn't that change a bit?" Namjoon continues now at your door.

You look up and say "I don't know what I want right now. We don't even have a name picked out for the baby. We need to focus on her more then anything." you place your hand on your stomach.

Namjoon stands there thinking, then he says " How about Kim Areum-Uk?"

You sit there thinking for awhile staring at your bloated stomach, then you look up and say "I like that."

Unwanted Love: A BTS fan fic (Namjoon)Where stories live. Discover now