Back At It

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"No no no. Don't cry Jagi." Namjoon says crawling towards you.

"Why would you do this to yourself?" you hick up through the sobs. You thumb running around his still plump dry bottom lip.

Tears running down his cheeks to the corners of his lips "Because I can't live without you." he squeaked, he hugged you. He saw the leather strap of the medicine pouch "You're still wearing it?!" a new wave of tears had come over him.

"I promised you I wouldn't take it off." you say trying to hold back tears but failing.

"I hope you know that I love you." Namjoon says into your hair.

You nod your head, losing the ability to talk.

"Jagi will you come home tonight?" Namjoon says wide eyes like a child expecting the answer to be yes. But you shake your head no. "What? Why not?" fresh tears running down his face.

You pause trying to think of the right words "I think we should start all over. To were start texting and get to know each other all over again." you explain.

Namjoon nodded in agreement. "So I'll text you tomorrow?" he said.

"And I will be sure to reply." you say kissing his cheek.

After that he walks out of the apartment and goes home. You go back to bed and sleep.

I'm sorry this chapter is so short but I wrote this on my phone and I'm so use to writing on a laptop that it threw me off

Unwanted Love: A BTS fan fic (Namjoon)Where stories live. Discover now