Medicine Pouch

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You open your eyes to a white ceiling and a bright white light. It's hard to peal open your eye's. But somehow they open.

"Y/N! GUYS HER EYES ARE OPEN!" you hear a deep voice say "Oh my God Y/N! You scared the shit out of me. Don't ever do that again! You hear me?!"

You turn your head to see Namjoon. He has bags under his eyes as though he hasn't slept in days, his hair flat not put up in his pompadour hair style. 

"Where a-?" you feel the sweet lips of  the man who saved you on your mouth. So plump and comforting.

Parting from your lips Namjoon says "I didn't think  you were going to wake up Y/N,"his voice cracking "I'm going to find Jungkook, and when I do I'm going to kill Jin for the pain he's making you go through."

Your eyes go wide, you thought that Namjoon was going to tell you to leave him because you were such a hassle but you couldn't ask for a better man your life right now.

"Thank you." you squeak out.


After a few more days at the hospital you go home. "The doctor said you can't be calling the police to find Jungkook anymore." says Namjoon, you frown you just want you goofy younger brother back, "But that doesn't mean I won't do it." Namjoon says with a light smile.

You love seeing him smile no matter what, whether is because he's being genuine or it's because he's being sneaky and mean, he has a beautiful smile.


Both of you are walking around to get some food when you come across this shop. It's a herb shop from a Native American culture.

"Oh let's go in! It looks like so much fun!" you say grabbing Namjoons hand and try dragging him into the shop.

"Do we have to? It looks weird and cheap." He says with a crooked smile on his face.

You give him a serious look and say "Yes, we go in look around and we will be out in no time."

You both walk in, the smell of rich herbs, and intense smack you in the face, you walk around until you come across these long necklaces with thin strap and a pouch no wider then your thumb and no longer then the first two digits of you pinkie that are made of leather , and have different kinds of beads and brands. The sign above them say Medicine Pouch.

"They are suppose to keep you health and keep good fortune coming to the wearer of this necklace." says a voice behind you. 

You spin around and see an old Native American man taller then you but shorter then Namjoon. His hair comes to his waist  and black as raven feathers, his skin is like leather but has the color of smooth caramel, his eyes black as starry nights.

"I'll take one" Namjoon says giving the man money and grabbing a medicine pouch, and running from the store.


Once you two get out of the shop Namjoon ties the necklace around your neck and says promise me you will never take it off?" 

"I will never." you say with sincerity.

He kisses your forehead saying, "I'm so glad I have you back"

This is all I could write tonight.

I want to thank my ex, he actually helped me write the beginning of this chapter 

Well tell me if it's good or bad

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