That Rap Monster Guy

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You stand then laughing, but then you look at the picture and realize how much the person on the billboard looks like Namjoon. "Wait. You're being serious?"

"Yeah I am. I was kinda hoping you knew, but I guess for the best it wasn't." He says looking at his feet.

At that moment some of the pretty girls from the group in the skirts and polos comes up to you and taps your shoulder, she asks "Are you dating Rap Monster?"

"Uh ... yes I am." You say warily.

"Oh my goodness. He is so lucky to have such a beautiful girlfriend." she says smiling.

"Yes I do." Namjoon says looking at you with loving eyes.

"Can I have a picture with you and post it?" the girl asks you, already grabbing for her phone

"Um ... yeah I guess." you say smiling. The girl squeals, and starts jumping, you smile back kindly.

When she takes the picture she show it to you and asked you if its a good picture, you says it's fine, and then you both see Namjoon doing a funny pose in the back ground and you both start laughing. "Just took a photo with RM and girlfriend while they where, what are you guy's going to do?"

"We were going to get bleach for his hair." you says.

"While they were getting hair bleach for RM. And got a quick picture." she says finishing the description.

"Whats your name so I can like the picture." you say pulling out your phone.

The girl looks like she's going to go into shock when you ask this. "Um, Uh, Ah it's ah Gang Chung-Ae." she says.

"Okay. I liked it. You have a good day." You says taking Namjoon's hand and walking away. Behind you can hear screams, you can only assume are coming from Gang Chung-Ae and her friends.


You come home and get started on Namjoon's hair immediately. "Jagi-ah! Stop pulling my hair!" Namjoon complains.

"I swear to God if I hear you complain one more Goddamn time you ain't getting no love from me tonight." you promise.

"Fine." Namjoon says bringing his knee's to his chest and resting his chin on them.

When your finished you wash his hair out and blow dry it. "Do you want it trimmed?" you ask playing with his hair

"No, there won't be anything to pull on later." he says with a smirk.

You blush and think What am I doing with this man ha!

Unwanted Love: A BTS fan fic (Namjoon)Where stories live. Discover now