He's Back

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"What the hell are you doing here?!" Jungkook yells at Jackson, taking everyone by surprise "You have no right being here after what you did to Y/N!" He continues.

"What did he do?" Namjoon asks innocently. You try to stop this from happening but obviously it was too late.

"This bastard! Told Y/N that he loved her after school one day and told her to meet him but the bleachers behind the school at 4:30 pm exactly. Y/N waited for 3 hours! He never came to her. Just as she was about to leave this bitch comes from the shadows, and says they should start dating , Y/N is delighted so of course she says yes because he was her first love. The next morning at school Y/N comes up to Jackson acting like his girlfriend like she should. Then he says something that rips her heart out, he says 'Why would I date someone like you? You're ugly, and have hand-me-downs for cloths. Go sleep under a bridge you troll'. Y/N didn't eat from months. And she only did when we, her family, were there watching her." Jungkook says the last two sentences while looking at Jackson to make a point. "So are you doing here, scum." he finishes.

"I honestly wanted to see Y/N." Jackson says straight faced.

Namjoon gets in Jackson's face and says "Like hell you are. If I catch you looking at her, or trying to talk to her. You might as well start digging your grave."

"YAH!" you yell. All three boys turn to you. "I'm not a priority right now, Yoongi is. Jungkook, Namjoon you go out there and find out how this happen to my baby. Jackson I need you to get me towels, and a of ice." you demand.

"But -" Namjoon and Jungkook start to protest.

"No buts I need him here because he's worked a hospitals and you haven't. Now go." you say going to the bedroom where Yoongi is and closing the door.

"Don't even try anything." Namjoon says with clinched teeth and walks out of the apartment with Jungkook in pursuit.

You hear the door open behind you. You know who it is so you don't look.

"Hey-" Jackson begins.

"Towels and ice now." You say not letting him finish.

"I just wanted to say-" he begins again.

"I don't care what you have to say if it's not 'Here are towels and ice for Yoongi'" you say coldly.

You hear the door close, finally you can breath. "What am I going to do? I have them both here, Yoongi." you whisper to Yoongi. 


"I can't believe she had him stay and not me." Namjoon said.

"You?! You can't believe this? I'm his best friend and she wouldn't let me stay. there was no way she was going to let you stay." There was a pause between the two men they Jungkook says "Why did Y/N say 'my son' at the gangster and call Yoongi her baby earlier?"

Namjoon stopped and said "The night you two came back, Yoongi came out and told her what had happen to both of you. After all that Yoongi asked her is he could call her eomma since she had always taken care of him. She said yes, and she only say fit to call him her son." after that was said Namjoon turned around and started walking, leaving Jungkook with his mouth hanging open in surprise.


After Jackson got Ice and towels, you go and sit on the black leather couch closing you eyes, and try to relax. You hear Jacksons foot steps and you hear him sit next to you.

"Before you start talking, let me tell you something" you say eyes still closed "One, I'm with Namjoon now to don't try to break us up, I won't have it. Two, you're only here because I need you once I'm done with you, I'm throwing you out. And three" For this one you open your eyes and look straight at him "I will kill you if I find out you had anything to do with my baby getting hurt. No one will find out it was me either. You will disappear as though you never existed and no one will care."

The color from Jackson's face drains "Okay." is all he says before going to the kitchen for a glass of water.

Unwanted Love: A BTS fan fic (Namjoon)Where stories live. Discover now