My One Love

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After a night of 'wrestling' with Namjoon, you lay in bed. Namjoon had to leave early because of his schedule. You lay there think, how could you not have figured out that he was famous. After you figured out, you started noticing how he was gone so often. You Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, every social media you had started blowing up, after you took that picture with Gang Chung-Ae. There was a lot of hate of how ugly you were, and that people would track you down and hurt you because Namjoon was theirs. But then there were people like Chung-Ae who defended you and told the haters that you were beautiful, and Namjoon isn't an object and he could date anyone he wanted and that he was lucky to have a beautiful girl like you. You ended up making every social media you could private so no one could harass you any longer.

You hear the front door open and run to see who it is. Jungkook, and Yoongi walk in "Where have you guys been?" you ask with your hand on your hip.

"We went and saw Yoongi's aunt and got a bite to eat." Jungkook says/.

"Next time can you please please please pretty please tell me where you are going?" you say.

"Yeah we'll let you know." they say.

"Hey where's Namjoon?" Jungkook asks.

"He went to work." you say.

"I hope he has that mix tape out soon. It's going to be fire." Yoongi says.

"What?" You ask.

"I just want to inform you, you were the only only that knew Namjoon wasn't famous in this house. Me and Jungkook are quite the fans of his music." Yoongi says.

You stand there astonished "And you didn't tell me?!" you yll.

"He didn't want you to know, so we didn't tell. If you couldn't notice, Namjoon can be kinda scary." Jungkook says.

You nod your head in agreement. The last time you two got into a fight he threw a lamp and almost hit your head, that was the day you left him. Throwing your engagement ring back in his face, you don't even remember what you two fought about. It was probably petty, both of you had very bad tempers and the littlest things could set you off, whether it be not cleaning the dishes, or it be not picking up something, you two could fight about anything, but that was in the past both of you matured and could have a healthy relationship, and not the old toxic one.

"WHO THE HELL IS THIS?!" Namjoon yelled when he walked into the apartment shoving his phone in your face.

Or so you thought.

Unwanted Love: A BTS fan fic (Namjoon)Where stories live. Discover now