The Baby

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It had been a month since you last talked to Namjoon willingly. Every since you let the news about the baby slip Namjoon would not stop trying to talk to you. You always new that he wanted kids but a child but you thought since he was famous he wouldn't want anything to do with the little being inside you.

He had been trying to contact you all month to talk to you about it. He called you, texted you, came to your door, had Jungkook and Yoongi give you things, he even wrote you a letter. You didn't know what to do. You wanted to let him in but you're to scared to. You read some where that if you were pregnant you should stay away from stress, like fighting, which you and Namjoon did a lot.

2 month jump

You're three months along and you're starting to show. You started living alone again, even though Jungkook and Yoongi said you needed to stay with Namjoon or even them at the very least but you refused.

You were walking down the street to your small studio apartment. You are a but a block away when you feel a hand wrap around your arm. You look up and your eyes fill with terror. It's Jin.

"Pregnant ladies shouldn't walk around this town alone at night." he says. Jin has changed so much since the last time you saw him. He's very thin, all you see is his bones covered in skin, his once full cheeks are now sunken in, his eyes seem different too, they have a feral look to them, his normally well groomed shaggy hair is now short and choppy.

"Jin let me go." you say unconsciously covering your stomach. 

"Don't talk back you cow." he says smacking you hard across the face. You've fallen to the ground. "I gave you my heart Y/N! WHY HAVE YOU SHAMED ME LIKE THIS!" he screams at you.

"What are you talking about?" you ask. You still have your hand over you stomach, fearing you hurt the baby when you fell.

"Having this scums baby! While you could have had a child with me all along but no! APPARENTLY I WASN'T LOW ENOUGH SCUM FOR YOU!" Jin continues to scream.

You take the insults while tears streak down your face. Then you hear it, the most beautiful sound in the world. "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER AND MY CHILD!" Namjoon yells. You turn your head and see him. You look back and see that Jin has run off. Namjoon comes running to you, his hands go to your face and he kisses your forehead "Are you okay? What about the baby?" he says into your hair while hugging your head to his chest.

"I think we are okay." you respond. Now that your here  You think.

Unwanted Love: A BTS fan fic (Namjoon)Where stories live. Discover now