Bright Lights

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Oh God please protect him  you think running down the hallway of the hospital  I just got him back

You instantly think of the American song Coming Home by Sean Combs and the line I know my kingdom awaits and they've forgiven my mistakes pops into your head and you run faster down the hallway to where Namjoon is.

You burst through the door and you see holes in his abdomen which you can only are stab wounds "Ma'am you can't be in here." a nurse says when he see's you at the door.

"NO! THAT'S MY BOYFRIEND I NEED TO SEE HIM! NAMJOON!!!!" You scream almost jumping over the small nurse.

You wait and wait and wait. Then you think back just a couple of hours ago when Ki Wook walked to your door you thought he was Jin. You screamed and shut the door in his face. Jungkook and Yoongi run out of their room to see whats wrong. You can't talk to you just point to the door. Jungkook tells Yoongi to go check the door. When Yoongi opens the door has his shirt pulled up showing them a birthmark that takes up the right half of his abdomen.

The Jin look-a-like says "My name is Kim Ki Wook, twin brother of Kim Seokjin. Jin has stabbed Namjoon in the abdomen multiple times. You need to go to the hospital." You grabbed your coat, knocking Ki Wook out of the way, and ran.

"Ma'am are you Jeon Y/N?" someone says.

You look up to see a soft faced man looking at you "Yes?" you answer.

"I am Dr. Kim Gun Joon, I took care of your brother Jeon Jungkook. I am currently taking care of your boyfriend Kim Namjoon. He is in critical condition. You can come see him in 2 days." Dr. Gun Joon says then he walks off.


You're walking back home "Y/N!" You turn around when you hear your name. You see Jackson running behind you. "How's Yoongi?" 

"He's good, he's alive so that always good." you say as you look to your feet.

"What's wrong?" Jackson asked.

He was portraying real concern but you knew better. You told him the truth though "Jin attacked Namjoon. Namjoon was stabbed 4 times in the abdomen." You didn't hold the tears back but you did not let you voice crack.

You feel Jackson's hands on your shoulders and him pulling you into his chest.

"You always have me to talk to, you know that right?" Jackson says into your hair.

"I would like to think that Jackson." you say pushing away "But considering our past I don't think that will ever happen." you walk away.

"What? You're walking away fromme?! Your first love! Just like that? Like I'm nothing? Who told you to say that? Was it Namjoon?!" Jackson yells. His words getting more powerful and more angry as he went on.

You turn around and get into his face "No one told me to say that, I just said what was on my mind. Oh and another thing I realized I never loved you, it was 2 years later when I found my first love. His name is Kim Namjoon. Say it with me Kim Namjoon. Now go away. I don't want to see you again. Goodbye." Walking away you hear something getting kicked, and someone walking away


You walk into the apartment and Jungkook, Yoongi, and Ki Wook jump up and walk you to your bedroom. 

All you want to do is sleep, but sleep won't come. You grab your ear buds and phone. You play Fool but this version is not sung by Troy Sivan. You had Namjoon sing it for you so you could sleep when he's gone for work. And once you hear is voice you go into a deep peaceful sleep.

Unwanted Love: A BTS fan fic (Namjoon)Where stories live. Discover now