Would You Live Her?

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Oh God my head. Namjoon thinks. Damn it's cold too. better see if  Y/N is okay. He reaches over to touch your thigh as he has done many mornings before "Y/N? You okay? I had the craziest dream about how Areum was taken and you were abducted and Jin had done it." Namjoon finishes as his hand hit the cold floor.

"I don't think that was a dreeeeaam! HaHaha!" Jin started laughing hysterically, he has a knife in his hand the point his on his middle finger in his left hand while his spinning the handle with his right,  "But It must have been nice to think that is was though. Thinking you were waking up with Y/N in the same bed right next to you. Seeing her beautiful dark brown hair spread across her shoulders and back, and the way she would whimper when she was having a nightmare and how all you had to do was  cuddle with her and she would calm down. And to be honest I didn't mind when she didn't wear pants to bed, because I loved seeing that thick ass. I only dated Y/N for her body. It was the only good thing about -"

Namjoon jumped up and tackled Jin, the knife fly's from his hands, and gets him in a head lock"How dare you talk about her li-" Jin elbowed him in the ribs.

"I WASN'T FINISHED!" Jin screamed when he got up. Namjoon was in the fetal position holding his right side. Jin picks up the knife, and then spots a wooden chair in the corner of the room. He stalks over to the chair, he grabs the top of the backrest of the chair and drags it towards Namjoon and raises it above his head. Jin hits Namjoon's back with such force that the chair shatters when is hits Namjoon. Namjoon lays very still on the floor.

Jin rolls Namjoon on his back and rips his shirt open "Question. Before I mutilate your ugly body. Would you live for her?"

"What kind of question is that? Namjoon says half dazed.

"You know what it means, because dying for someone is too easy, so you would you lie for her?" Jin explains unusually patiently.

"I would live every breathing moment for her, I would live for her like no tomorrow." Namjoon replies.

"How sweet but wrong answer." Jin says, then proceeds to put metal to skin and carve  Ilsan Scum in to this abdomen, Namjoon tries to fight Jin off Jin but fails when Jin hits him in the temple.


"Alright, baby. I'll take you back to that room."  Jimin says.

Okay, I only  one chance at this.  You think, you get your make shift bat ready. Jimin starts to run at you NOW! and you swing your 'bat' and it splinters when is makes contact with Jimins head. Jimin directs to the other side room, you do not hesitate you drop the remnants of the pilar from the crib and run to get Areum-Ok. You run out of the room. This house is like a maze you try to leave this place and keep going to dead ends. You fin yourself back in the room where Areum was kept, and you see a door which you though was a closet but there is a light coming from the crack under the door. You open it and find out the its the front door of this hell.

"Y/N!" You turn your head and see Jungkook. You trot to your brother while he runs full speed to you. "Are you okay? Hows Areum? How did you get out?" He questions.

"We are fine. And you don't want to know how I got out." You say looking a Areum "Wheres Namjoon?"

"You didn't see him in there?" Jungkook said. "We went in there once he found you were in th-" Junkook was cut off by a scream that gives you nighmares and makes your skin crawl.

"Namjoon." You say "Take Areum, I have to go back in there and get him." You give Areum to Jungkook and start running to the door.

"Y/N! NO YOU DON'T KNOW WHATS IN THERE!" Jungkook yells but you ignore him. He was your love, granted at first it was unwanted but it was all you wanted right now.

Unwanted Love: A BTS fan fic (Namjoon)Where stories live. Discover now