ONE. Beginning of the End

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* Quick Note - Avery's age in the book in not logical nor does it make any sense in this timeline. I get it, I've gotten multiple comments on it. Please ignore the fact that this is a MAJOR plot hole and instead, enjoy the story! :) *


My mother and Father died when I was a baby, the car accident was left unknown to me for many years until my older brother had thought me to be old enough to know. The thought of them dying young left an ache in my heart, a vile taste in my mouth when I realised that I would never get to know them. I would never be daddy's little girl or go to my mum with problems. I would never grow up with them giving me hugs and kisses. They died too young and too violently. To this day, my brother and I mourn for the missing people in our lives and swore that we would stick with each other to the end.


Anthony Stark; American Billionaire. Playboy. Philanthropist. Engineer. Known as the owner of Stark industries and also known as the older brother of Avery Stark, the little girl that lost her parents and was forced into the care of her older brother. Anthony was a handsome man and had women dropping to their knees as the sight of him; quite disgusting really. Anthony Edward Stark is my older brother, and the only remaining family member I had left. After my parents passed away when I was only a baby, he legally adopted me and became my guardian; although to me he was much more than that. He was my best friend, my protector, my stand in father whenever I did something bad; he was all I had left, and I always made sure to take advantage of that. He made sure that I had a semi-normal childhood although that plan went down the drain when it turned out I was a lot smarter than he realised. At ten years old, I was doing work that even 15-year-old teenagers wouldn't be able to understand. To have the best education I could without any external problems, Tony put me in home-schooling and therefore this meant that I never left the mansion. Well not without my brother by my side, that is.

I'm able to help out in Stark Industries sometimes, I mean it was my last name and I deserve to have some input into the decision making. I try to make myself useful without being too annoying, I pass Tony tools, or I study the things that he is doing so I could understand them. Last year was the first year I put my skills to the test, and I built a self-sustaining car motor which could go for miles with just one fill up. I had never seen tony look nay prouder than he did that day.

Today, I was attending a weapons demonstration with Tony; he had to attend them whenever he was promoting new weapons and sometimes I joined him but sometimes I stayed at home. Pepper - my brother's oldest and only PA – has very strong opinions about me attending these demonstrations every time I do tag along, mostly since it was dangerous and war zones surrounded many of the places we visited. Tony never agreed with her though; he thought that these things were great learning experiences for me, I thought they were fun and interesting, so I never minded going. I don't really care for the weapons our company makes but they allow me to spend time with Tony and to work my brain, if only we could replace the weapons with something else... At this very moment, I sat on my bed watching as the strawberry blond rushed around my room making sure that I had everything I needed for the 3-day trip. She turned into such a mother hen sometimes, but I would never deny loving it.

"Okay, you have your bag and clothes?" She asks once more as she zips up my green duffel bag. I only rolled my eyes, giving her a cheesy grin.

"Yes Pepper." I tell her simply.

"And did you remember the food I packed in case you get hungry?" She asks again, unzipping the bag once more to check for sure. I grabbed her hand to stop her from going through the bag once more.

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