SIXTEEN. Anything I want?

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Automatically, I grab the hand that was holding the gun and hit it, making Agent 'Taylor' shoot at the wall and completely miss Billy and myself.

"Go get the plane ready." I grunt at the smaller man who stared at me with a shocked expression, wondering if he should help or get the plane. "GO!" I yell at him after a couple of seconds of just standing there. Agent Taylor tries to aim the gun again, but I wrap my hand around the base and release the clip, making the bullets drop everywhere. I punch him in the jaw, forcing his head to turn with an audible crack. He looks at me angrily and throws away the gun, putting up his hands.

"I guess we're doing this the old-fashioned way." He comes at me feverishly, throwing punches and kicks at me. He gets a couple of good ones in, but I focus on our training and the notes every other agent ever gave me. He seemed to follow a certain style and pattern, so I kept blocking him. He was beginning to get tired; I could see it in his stance. What kind of Hydra agent was he? A newbie or something? I'm lasting longer than him and I'm only thirteen.

He begins to slow down, so I begin to lay it on him. Using the training and skills that Yoli showed me so he couldn't detect my pattern, I began to punch, kick and jab his sensitive areas. Face, arms, legs, crotch, anywhere I could land a hit that would hurt him. Blood is surfacing on my fists and his face, but then he gets me off guard. "Wait!" He held up his hand and shows me a phone. My file. It was in a message inbox and the send button stared at me, the address was to a 'Mr Stark'.

I stopped. No... Tony can't know that I'm alive. Before I could do anything, Agent Taylor used my pause as an advantage to hurt me back. One punch, two Punches, three and I was on the floor. My ribs ached, and my mouth tasted of blood as I felt myself growing weaker. Maybe I wasn't good enough to be an agent. I needed more training. The familiar feeling overtook my mind, flashbacks of last year popping up in my minds. I could still feel the punches but the feeling of Loki's sceptre going through my body was more painful.

"Hey!" A muffled voice sounded then 2 gunshots. 2 loud thumps sounded, and I could feel someone lying by my feet. Slowly, I pushed myself up by ignoring the pain in my body, and I see a crumpled figure a couple of meters away. It wasn't Agent Taylor. At the site, I started to sob, begging for the person to get up. I shook them, but they just stared blankly at me. They sacrificed themselves for me.

Billy got the plane and picked me up, flying us somewhere else, mentioning something about a playground and Massachusetts. But all I could remember was the look of dead eyes.

I think it was about 18 hours later before we landed. Billy had fallen asleep half-way, but I couldn't get the glassy stare out of my head. I wonder if this is how my brother felt, with me dying in his arms. Before Billy fell asleep, he went online and deleted every file SHIELD had on both himself and I. Technically, we didn't exist but technically, I never existed in the first place. You know, being dead and stuff.

This base was a lot bigger, and this time Fury greeted us at the entryway personally. I didn't understand the thing SHIELD had with bringing dead people back to life. Honestly, do they understand the concept of death in this place? Have they heard of the butterfly effect?

Then there's was the whole situation of Captain America who almost died falling out of an active Helicarrier in the middle of Washington. Bucky Barnes who was also known as the Winter Soldier had punched him in the face a couple of times which pretty much shattered his face. Damn. Don't ask me how I know this information though, it's classified.

"Director Fury, Sir. It's a pleasure." Billy shakes Fury's hand before standing up straight.

"Agent Koenig. Miss Stark. Looks like you've been through hell." Fury mentions regarding my bruised and battered body although I only rolled my eyes in response not being in the mood for any jokes.

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