THIRTY EIGHT. Not a Kid - But an Agent

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We got an update on the Quinjet's whereabouts and Simmons suited up, getting ready for surgery.

"Cal destroyed the lab. It's unusable right now. This is our best option." She explains after Fitz went to get Phil. "We'll make it work." She promises, working around the other surgeons.

"Any update from May on Bobbi's condition?" Phil asks. I get off the stool, crossing my arms.

"They've slowed the bleeding. She's holding on, but barely." She almost whispers.

"She'll be alright." I speak up, my eyes wide. "She's Bobbi, she'll be fine." I say, more for assuring myself rather than the 3 adults.

"We'll see." Simmons says quietly.

"Okay. And is Cal stable enough to join the mission on the carrier?" I look at him, confused.

"Why would you want Cal on the mission? "

"That doesn't sound like a very good idea."

"Wait, you want Cal on a mission? After he tried to kill us all?" We all say at once. Phil goes to answer, but May comes in with Bobbi lying on a bed. We all move out of the way and all the surgeons come forward to grab her.

"Gunshot wound to the upper back. Exit wound in the chest. Pulse is 140 and weak. BP's 60 over 30." May breathes out heavily, looking quite afraid.

"She stopped breathing just before we landed." Hunter says quietly.

"I bagged her got her going again." May explains.

"Hurry." Simmons pouts on her mask, going into doctor mode. "Let's get her prepped for surgery. CBC with diff, chem-20. Portable chest x-rays. Cross and type for two units." She orders.

"Yes, doctor." The lady to her right says.

"Guys." I speak up before we were kicked out. Everyone but the surgeons turned to me. I bite my lip, afraid of the reactions I was going to get. "This doesn't look good. I want you all to know that if worse comes to worse, I can build an arc reactor." I offer. "It'll take me an hour tops."

"No." Hunter disagrees, almost glaring at me. "She's going to be fine. She doesn't need one."

"Hunter, we need to see the big picture." May tells him. Simmons looks up at me and sighs.

"Avery. Be on standby. I'll get word to you as soon as possible if I need it done." She tells me. I nod, following everyone out as we couldn't be in there.

"What do you need?" Phil instantly asks. "I'll get the things now, just in case." I think but shake my head.

"Uh, well I can only make her a temporary one now. I'll need about half a pound of Palladium, an electro magnet, lead and a 2-inch metal circle barrier. Fitz I'm going to need some extra wires, and someone needs to be ready to give me a bench in the furnace room because I need fire."

"Why only a temporary one?" Hunter demands. I sigh, looking up at him.

"Our newer models were made because the originals were poisoning us. We almost died of Palladium poisoning. I can't make the newer model for at least a couple of weeks because the element was discovered by my dad and Tony had to create it. I need to get my hands on some. Remember this is only a maybe, she might not even have to get it." I assure him. He nods, blinking fast.

"Come on." Mack tells him gently. "Let's get this blood off of you." He leads hunter away. May and Phil walk over to the window to observe the operation which left Fitz and I standing around.

"So, that's how you make an Arc Reactor." He starts the conversation. I smile lightly.

"Well, there are certain steps you have to do. So good luck trying to re-create it." I joke.

"Fitz." Phil says. "Can you go on this mission?" He asked.

"Yes, of course. I need to be the one to work the device." He says immediately.

"Avery?" he turns to me. "I know we've been treating you like a kid but after all this time..." He trails off. "I can see that you're a skilled agent. Want to get some action in?" He asks. I grin despite what was happening and nod happily.

Hours passed, and we were all informed that Bobbi would be fine. She wouldn't need the Arc Reactor which was a relief. I kind of told a white lie about it taking an hour. It would take up to two of three hours to complete it successfully. Hunter ended up pacing near the window instead of washing off the blood. May stood at the side with her eyes closed and both Fitz and I were strolling around, getting various things ready for the mission. Simmons finally stepped out of the room and Hunter ran to his girlfriend/very close friend's side. May stepped away and Fitz walked off to the locker room to complete his bag. I sat on the floor, waiting for Phil's word.

He nodded his head to the side after a while and I stood up in my new SHIELD suit and hopped onto the plane. May was piloting – obviously and a bunch of SHIELD agents with guns surrounded the rest of us. Cal was simply sitting down and smiling at nothing, Fitz was at the computer and Phil watched over May. I sat in the seat next to May but made sure not to interfere with her flying.

"I'd like to formally voice my doubts about bringing him on this mission." She speaks up at Phil. I look out the window, respectively pretending that I wasn't listening to the conversation.

"I understand your concerns, May, but Cal's lived with the Inhumans. He knows what we're getting ourselves into."

"We do not." She denies. "He's a loose cannon."

"Worse comes to worst, we let the cannon loose. Any distraction might help us take that boat. Look, Cal's erratic, but if there's one constant, it's his concern for Skye." That got to May as she said nothing more.

"Sir, something's happening with the SOS signal from the boat." I turn around and watch. "I thought it was breaking up, like someone cutting the line." He explained.

"Radio interference? " Phil questioned.

"No, but there's, um, uh, a pattern to it, like a code."

"Skye?" he asked, amazed. I grew excited, having not seen her since before I was kidnapped by Ward. I could see Cal turn his head, so he could listen in and I smirk.

"What's she saying?"

"That it's a trap." Fitz whispered. Phil sighed, turning to the communication buttons.

"This is SHIELD 2-1-8 ordering all other forces to fall back. Repeat. Fall back." He ordered. May turns her head.

"And what about us?" She asked.

"We're gonna finish this." Is all that Phil answered? We come to where the Inhumans were and May lands the jet. I get up, pulling a gun (That Phil hesitantly granted me to have) out of my bag and putting it onto my belt.

"We don't know the size of the force we're up against, but priority one is saving the crew of the ship. Find them. Free them. May, head to operations. Take control of the ship's functionality." He tells her.

"Sir, um, Skye's last message came through. It reads, 'Modified crystals lethal H-VAC room."

"Does she mean the Terrigen crystals that release the mist?" He questions.

"Yeah. But 'modified' and 'lethal'." He explains timidly.

"And the H-VAC room controls the ship's ventilation." May explains.

"So, we're pretty much stuffed if we go in there?" I question, raising an eyebrow.

"Ah!" We all turn to Mr Crazy dude. "So that's what this little mutiny's all about. Gas them all. See what shakes loose." Cal says.

"Not if I get to her first." Phil warns.

"Oh, no, no, no." Cal stands up, alerting the guards and making them cock their guns. "Not you, Phil. This is a family matter. My wife, my responsibility. You just find those crystals and leave her to me." Phil sigh and turns to us as if to say, 'Is this guy for real?'

"You brought him." May reminds him, turning around and getting her gun.

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