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"Something must be happening." I mention as I watch some agents run by towards the entrance we were in just before. "Maybe they spotted this Loki guy."

"Maybe," Bruce murmurs, staring at the computer screen as he was typing in various codes to search for Gamma Rays. "Sounds like this guy is putting up a fight."

"He is the Norse God for mischief." I say as I climb off the chair and head over to sit next to the scientist. "Apparently he has a brother that's allied with SHIELD – Thor."

"Norse Gods? That's something you don't hear every day." He chuckles.

"I've gotten used to it. SHIELD works with Tony a lot now, I always have an agent or two walking through the company." I explain.

"Speaking of that, isn't your brother supposed to be here?" He questions, looking over at me as the computer begins searching on its own. "You have a genius mind, don't get me wrong, but three of us will make this whole situation go a lot faster."

"I get what you mean," I assure, waving my hand. "He disappeared this morning, I have no idea what he's up to. If Fury needs him, he'll come." There wasn't much else to do while the computer searched for the right combination of Gamma rays, so eventually I decided to walk off and explore the area. It was hard to navigate through the level as everything looked the same, everything was shiny and new-looking yet there was no decoration. I walked past so many agents who only gave me strange looks or completely ignored me before I finally made my way back into the large room where I had last seen Fury. Said man was standing on his little stage in the middle of the room, staring out over his agents.

"Hey Fury." I greet happily, skipping over to stand next to me.

"Why aren't you in the lab?" He instantly asks without looking down, sounding aggravated.

"Can't do anything except wait." I shrug. "I've already explored the area, I'm bored."

"Go bother someone else." He tells me, turning to talk to another agent who passed him a file of some sort.

"All I'm doing is talking with you," I laugh, "So when did you become the Director of SHIELD?"

"A while ago," He answered, walking away from the stage. I sigh as I watch him walk out of the room, instead taking a seat at the large glass table where no one would bother me. I let my legs kick back and forth under me as I pull out a Stark phone and begin messing around with some apps that I had previously downloaded. It was at least an hour before I heard chattering and loud noises emerging from somewhere down the long hall, signalling the fact that Steve and Nat were probably back with this god.

"Tony?" I ask surprised as he walks in behind said people, not realising that he would be here. I hug him tightly once seeing that he looked tired and aggravated, probably due to the guy dressed in green who watched the small reunion carefully with his inquisitive eyes. He was being lead out of the room, but I still felt uncomfortable under his gaze, Tony allowed his body to stand in front of mine until he walked out of sight.

"I'll be back," He tells Natasha, who nodded in response, and he lead me out of the room and down the hallways. It was as if he had been on the flying base before which wouldn't surprise me, as he eventually opened up a door that lead to a large locker room.

"Where have you been?" I ask, gently helping Tony pry off the damaged suit from his body, revealing areas that were beginning to bruise.

"Well first off I helped Pepper get to the airport this morning, but then I had to quickly go into work to help fix a mistake with some of the shipping, then Fury called me up and said that the Avengers were needed to help take down this edgy-reindeer wannabe." He explained as if it was a normal day for him, which it kind of was.

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