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Simmons fussed over me the whole flight home, even though I was fine. Well, other than the bruises and cuts. She worried over my ribs, seeing that I had gone so long without wrapping them up to heal.

"Sit still, Avery. Please." She begged, trying to stop me from swinging my legs over the side of the bed.

"Jem, come on." I smile. "I'm fine. Just wrap up my ribs when we get back." She gives me a pained look.

"But I need to put some cream on the cuts so none of them get infected. Who knows how many germs have already invade your blood-"

"Nothing has 'Invaded my blood stream.' I mimic her accent. "I know Hydra seems like the Saw kind of place, but they took pretty good care of me." They all gave me weird looks.

"Hydra... took care of you?" Mack asked slowly, eyeing my face where my eyes was pretty much black and blue.

"As in they bandaged me and cleaned out the cuts. I really just want to relax right now, please." I give Simmons my puppy dog eyes and she spins around, closing her eyes.

"No! don't give me those eyes." She cries out.

"Please." I ask again. Simmons sigh and turns around.

"Only if you lay down on the bed and stay there."

"Sure thing, Doc." I carefully lower myself and pull the covers over me. "So, what's been happening." I ask, resting my hands behind my head.

"We lost Skye for a while." Phil tells me. "The obelisk... changed her. She's an Inhuman." Ward already told me the gist of it, so I wasn't surprised.

"Ward mentioned that. And that Tripp..." I trail off, picking up my head and moving my eyes to theirs, seeing if it was true. They all went quiet, avoiding eye contact. I sigh, putting my head back down. "Jesus." I grumble quietly. "Where's Skye now?" I ask.

"She went kind of M.I.A for with a bunch of other Inhumans. She's kind of kicked us out at the moment." Mack explain, nudging my side affectionately. He brought the chair over and sat next to my head. Fitzsimmons were standing at my feet and Phil was in between them all.

"What? Why?"

"Tell us if you find out." He rolls his eyes. "Everyone else stayed behind. This trip was a spur-of-the-moment kind of thing."

"Everyone's gonna be pissed." I warn them. They exchange amused looks.

"We already got a call of May on the way here. She threatened to beat us all up if you weren't brought back as soon as possible. I don't think they're going to mind." Phil smiled.

"May... threatening you... over me?" I ask surprised. May had never really shown any emotions to me, I didn't know if she hated me or not.

"I know you're scared of her, but she's honestly a nice woman." Mack tells me.

"She's protective over all of us. Including you." Fitz adds.

"Wow." I say, looking at the roof of the jet. "I would have never expected that."

"Are you sure you're alright?" Simmons gently asks again, watching my place my hand onto my throbbing side.

"Yeah. Relax Jem." I assure her. When the jet landed, Mack picked me up once again, and started walking me off the ramp. The team was waiting for us and rushed forward when they saw us.



"Oh my God, Avery!"

Shouts of delight emerged from all around me, and I was getting crowded around. I wanted to laugh, but I knew I would probably put myself in pain from it.

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