ELEVEN. The Avengers

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"And there came a day, a day unlike any other, when Earth's mightiest heroes and heroines found themselves united against a common threat. On that day, the Avengers were born-to fight the foes no single super hero could withstand! Through the years, their roster has prospered, changing many times, but their glory has never been denied! Heed the call, then-for now, the Avengers Assemble!"

It had been four years since Tony and I had been Kidnapped back in 2008 and had been 2 years since Tony had become an icon that everybody knew – Iron Man. Two years wasn't a very long time, but boy did our lives have a lot of changes since the time we were almost killed by Palladium poisoning. First, Tony had finally agreed to build me my very own suit! Unfortunately, he added all of these 'baby' features that I couldn't get off, JARVIS wouldn't let me fly any higher than 2 feet in the air, it couldn't go any faster than about 2 miles an hour and it had none of the cool weapons of repulsers that Tony's suit had. It was annoying, but I was quite glad that I could even get a suit at all considering he was so adamant on not letting me have one until I was older. Next, we decided to open a new headquarters for Stark Industries in New York – yes, NEW YORK! It was my idea, it was a great place to have a business plus I get all the extra positives of being able to live in my favourite city. Althoguh it took a while, the building was now complete and all Tony had to do was turn off the main electricity source by applying a device we made that would allow everything to run on clean energy.

Speaking of that, Tony was currently somewhere deep in the ocean fixing that up as I sat on the couch eating some potato chips whilst watching Pepper and Tony flirt through the video camera. Disgusting. "You're good on this end. The rest is up to you." I hear Tony express through the speaker, his face showing up on the screen as Pepper watches the stats of the building.

"You disconnected the transition lines? Are we off the grid?" Pepper asks to make sure. She was wearing a plain shirt with shorts and no shoes, much like what I was wearing. I was already in my SpongeBob pyjamas with my hair up in a half-assed bun, I had no shame.

"Stark Tower is about to become a beacon of self-sustaining clean energy." He announced proudly. "How about it Ava, impressive?" He asks, bringing me into the conversation I could clearly see I wasn't invited too. God, it was like my name wasn't on the building or something.

"Yeah, impressive." I roll my eyes. "Did you even do it properly?" I ask as I lick the flavour on my fingers leftover from the snack. The empty packet was thrown onto the table as I kneel on the couch with my arms resting on the back, facing the direction of the screen.

"Obviously," He sighed. "Why do they get so hard to talk to when they get older..." He asks Pepper once more, she only replied with a chuckle.

"Hormones, they're worse with us." She nods.

"I'm right here," I whine. "Maybe you're just annoying and it has nothing to do with the chemical composition in my body."

"It's gonna work, Kid. Just you watch, Pepper; light her up." Said woman begins to press a few of the virtual buttons whilst sliding a few things out of her vision. In the corner of my eye I could see a faint hue of electric blue coming from the front of the building; it had worked.

"How does it look?" Pepper asks, smiling appreciatively.

"Like Christmas, but with more... me." He answers back, slowly getting closer and closer to the platform outside.

"Us. It's my name out there too!" I correct him, rolling my eyes once more.

"Do that again and they're gonna' roll out of your head." He sasses although he looked completely relaxed and quite amused. Pepper spins back to face Tony's hologram face. "We gotta' go wider on the public awareness campaign. You need to do some press. I can do some more tomorrow. I'm working on the zoning for the next billboards." She begins to explain. I let myself fall back on the couch, already bored with their work talk. I drag myself to stand, heading into the kitchen so I could open the fridge and grab a drink. When I didn't see anything, most likely due to the fact that we hadn't been living here much, I chose to make a drink instead. A milkshake sounded good, so I grabbed everything I needed and got to work. From the living room I heard Tony arrive and the couple begin to speak to each other softly, ever since Pepper and Tony started dating I've had a lot more freedom. Well more freedom that you can get from already having freedom. Let's just say I could start a fire and the two of them wouldn't notice because they're too busy sucking faces.

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