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Note: A bit of time has passed since the last chapter, and I have skipped forward a couple of episodes of Season 3 :) Make sure you read the note at the end of the chapter.


"Simmons?" the dust was hard to look through, it was so thick. Breathing it in made me want to cough, but coughing would bring more into my lungs which I didn't think would be very good. "Fitzsimmons?" I yell again, trying to look for the duo. As the rope attached to me grew tighter and tighter, I couldn't walk forward anymore.

"AVERY?" I hear a feminine yell, making me whip towards where I heard it.

"SIMMONS? FITZ??" I yell.

"WE'RE OVER HERE!" I hear Fitz yell. I slowly trek through the sandstorm until I could see 2 figures in the distance.

"HURRY! DAISY CAN'T HOLD IT MUCH LONGER!" I wince, feeling my mouth beginning to dry out. I reach out, trying to grab their hands but I'm thrown off my feet when the rope I was attached to begins to wind back up through the portal. I try to grab onto something, but I was getting pulled away. I decide to do something very stupid, and phase out of the rope, now walking freely and without any sense of direction. Fitz's rope was also getting pulled shorter and he was out of reach of Simmons.

"SIMMONS?" He yelled with angst, trying to grab her.

"I'LL GET HER FITZ." I yell. I manage to find Simmons huddled on the floor, covered in blood and wearing the same clothes from that night almost six and a half months ago – my birthday. I grab her hand and we both huddle together, stumbling blindly towards where I thought the portal was, but it wasn't here. My stomach churned, thinking that we were stuck on here.

"GUYS!" I hear Fitz's distant voice. We both turn around, and we see him grabbing onto the ground, hauling himself up instead of being dragged back. "TAKE MY HAND!" Simmons grabs onto him, falling to the floor and the ferocious winds manage to break up. I keep my hand in Fitz's other hand, and suddenly we're pulled the rest of the distance into the portal – just as it closed.

The stone began to break, crumbling on top of the three of us. I could hear the hushed and rapid talking, and I finally come to my senses knowing that they were probably worried. When I sit up while coughing, I hear many relieved tones in the air. Fitz sits up next, also coughing but he brings Simmons with him, wiping some rocks off of her unconscious figure.


I open up my eyes, trying to keep my breathing steady. I wipe my eyes, seeing that it was only five in the morning, and I take a deep breath of the fresh air. No dust. I was fine, all of us were here. I stretch, my shirt rising with the movement and I finally stand up, not bothering to try and get any more sleep. Everyone would be waking up about now, I was the only one that slept in now a day. Hey, I'm a teenager, give me a break.

Heading out to the gym, I began to stretch out my tight muscles, feeling instant relief in some areas that were beginning to cramp up and hurt. I focused on going slow, not in any hurry to begin my training that Daisy and Lincoln made me do every morning. They said that I needed to keep my powers in check and up to date, along with my normal SHIELD agent skills. The door slides open and Bobbi comes in with her hair tied up and training gear on.

"Morning Ave." She mumbled. "Why aren't you still asleep." She questioned. I smile at her confusion, keeping my hands grabbing onto my feet as I sat on the floor.

"Couldn't sleep." I simply say, standing up and now heading over to the training mat where I practised on developing my phasing.

"Alright..." she said slowly, heading onto the treadmill and placing some earbuds in. She began her daily run and kept her eyes focused on the opposite wall. Not wanting to disturb her, I kept quiet. I sat in the middle of the floor, making myself do dares and such. I made myself phase into different parts of the mat, making sure that I ended up on a specific marking. If I didn't, I would go back to the middle and restart. Every time I got it right, I made the mark smaller and smaller, until only 1 foot could fit into the small circle. Someone grabbed my arm and twisted it behind my back tightly, making me gasp with surprise. I phased behind the intruder and sent them over my shoulder, making them groan as they hit the floor.

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