FORTY SIX. Howard Stark Inventions

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"Well, off we go to once again, another hate group vandalism." I sigh, packing up my bag with a couple of detectors and bits.

"There are just too many these days." Fitz tells me. "They're all idiots."

"I know, but what can we do." I pull the backpack on, securing it. I could hear Daisy and Phil coming down the hallway, so we both go out to greet them.

"I've been following the Watchdogs online for a while now. Some pretty nasty hate speech, but up until now, it's all been rhetoric." She utters.

"There's a bark/bite joke I could make here, but I don't find these guys all that funny." Phil tells her.

"No, they've had a menacing presence ever since New York. Got even less funny after Sokovia."

"I think they just can't handle all the changes in the world. They're reacting badly to them instead of accepting them like everyone else." I offer.

"Not exactly embracing the new changes in the world." Fitz scoffs.

"Now they're not happy just being the comments section.

"Something's changed. They're taking action." Daisy shook her head.

"We need to shut them down before more people get hurt." The second door opens, and we walk through to the hangar. "We've got enough on our plate trying to track down Malick."

"Hey!" Daisy spoke up, seeing Lincoln walking towards us with a duffle bag on his shoulder. He smiles at her.

"Hey." He responds.

"How'd the SHIELD assessment go?" Daisy asked him.

"Fine, I think. I guess we won't know for sure till Coulson gets the evaluation report." He states.

"I got it." Phil walks over, nodding at Lincoln.

"Well, should we bring Lincoln with us? With Bobbi and Hunter gone, we can use all the help-" Daisy gets cut off by Phil's unappreciative tone.

"Lincoln's gonna sit this one out. You, Fitz and Avery go ahead. Meet up with Mack, then report back to me." Lincoln stares at Phil and Daisy just gave him a weird look. Phil walks off and Daisy shook her head lightly. Fitz and I go ahead into the plane, I gently pat Lincolns arm as I walk by.

"Alright." I rub my hands together, ready to read through many of the files that Phil awarded us with.

"Let's do this." Daisy sighs, her mind wandering off.

"Lincoln will be fine, Daisy." I roll my eyes. "He's Lincoln. He has trouble with self-control but other than that he's a perfect agent. Phil won't boot him out just because of that." She nods her head, rubbing her temples.

"It's just been a hard couple of weeks. For all of us." She mentioned. Fitz, Daisy and I stayed quiet for most of the trip, the three of us having our own thought and worries. Mine were specifically on Fury and how he keeps warning me that my time here was coming close to an end. Well, until I come back. He told me that even after Tony knows that I'm alive, I still work with SHIELD – I f I wanted – which I did. He won't be happy about it, but I'm 16 now. As much as he won't want to admit, I'm getting older and able to make my own decisions without him breathing down my neck. This time, I might just be working from New York or flying in every morning or so instead of travelling with the team 24/7.

"Landing in 5 minutes." The pilot's voice came through the intercom. I closed the file and leaned back, my head resting on the metal wall of the Jet. I grasp my bag, ready to stand up and sling it over my shoulder and onto my back.

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