FIFTY ONE. Anthony

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Slowly, our walking turns into running and we were all diving into battle, literally. It was six on five with our side being the majority, so I was mostly just phasing here and there, getting in hits with the more powerful people like T'Challa and Vision. But it was hard when I couldn't fly.

I managed to help Bucky out a lot, tag teaming on the King. He punched the guy, I kicked him, he kicked him, I tackled him to the ground and I could tell he was getting frustrated with my powers.

"Stop doing that." He growled when I appeared right in front of you.

"Now that wouldn't count as a fight, would it?" I ask. Metal arms wrap around me, pushing me down so I would land away from the fight, but I phased so I was safely on the ground.

"Not a good move, Rhodey." I growl. His arms lightly drop from being positioned at me.

"How do you know my name?" He asked. I go in, pushing him and trying to real the manual suit deactivation button near the neck, but he shot up and left me to fight with Bucky once more. T'Challa sent me to the ground, punching my face so hard that I swear I heard my bone crack. Remember how I said that the masks weren't made for hard damage?

Well, I could feel it disappearing and dissolving into nothing. I couldn't take of the mask now, not with my real face showing.

"Oh buddy." I chuckle. "That was a bad move." I growl, phasing so I was right in front of me when he expected me to be behind him. I push him into Bucky, so he had a tight hold around his neck.

"I didn't kill your father." He growled.

"Then why did you run?" T'Challa answered. I phase just in time to miss the guy roll Bucky onto the floor and throw him against some boxes. He goes to scratch out Bucky's throat, but Wanda used her telekinesis to send T'Challa over to the other side of the airport.

"Ouch." I say, helping Bucky up. "That's gonna hurt in the morning." I tell him.

"As much as I hate to admit it, if we're gonna win this one, some of us might have to lose it." I heard Clint say in my ear piece.

"Uh yeah guys. Forgetting that I have the blackmail?" I ask.

"No." Clint ordered me. "Not yet, not now." I knew he meant it so I quickly phased out of the area and to where my bag was, grabbing the extra Nano mask and putting it on.

"This isn't the real fight, Steve." Sam reminded him. I phase back in, managing to land a big hit onto Natasha which almost had me grinning. I just managed to hit a highly trained assassin and not get hit back. Boo-yah.

"Alright, Sam, what's the plan?" Steve asked.

"We need a diversion, something big." He says. I lean back with Wanda on my right, just out of view.

"I got something kind of big, but I can't hold it very long. On my signal, run like hell. And if I tear myself in half, don't come back for me." Scott says.

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"Just go." He orders. "I do it all the time. I mean once... in a lab. And I passed out." I peek out of the side and watch as Ant man, went Giant man. No joke, he was like 100 feet tall.

"I guess that's the signal." Steve says, amused.

"Way to go, Tic-Tac!" Sam chuckled through the comms.

"Alright. I guess that works." I shrug, looking out to see where everyone else was. I focus on anyone on the ground, making sure that Steve and Bucky could get to the plane safely. The only one I could really stop was T'Challa since he was the only one on the ground.

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