FOUR. Becoming the Iron Man

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Since being back in America, nothing much has progressed with the company and deciding on what we were going to sell instead of weapons. My mind kept going back to the events from the past 3 months, Yinsen, terrorists constantly threatening Tony with death, the suit of armour that saved us. I truly wondered if we would be able to recreate it, and if we could then it would be better meaning maybe Tony could do something with his life instead of drinking his liver to death. Suits of armour... but they couldn't be the same as the old suit, the iron-copper-magnesium alloy was useful, but it was easily destructible therefore making it unsafe. I may be a small genius but I knew Tony would be able to create this suit better than me, that's when I decided to bring it up.

"Tony?" I speak up from the chair that I quickly spun in circles on, my neck back so I was looking at the roof.

"Hm?" He acknowledged, fiddling around with some tools and some kind of item on the desk in front of him. We had been back almost a month, yet I hadn't seen Tony make one single thing. This was a dangerous game he was playing, he needed to be preoccupied before he moved onto making ridiculous inventions.

He upgraded our toaster. I was getting worried.

"How about we rebuild the suit." I ask, letting my feet drop to the floor and stop the chair from moving any more. I face him, an inquisitive look on my face as he leans back a little bit. "We can rebuild it, make it better that the old one." I continue explaining as I lean back once more, talking causally. Tony continues to stare at me, but slowly I see his eyes grow wider and the colour gain a small sparkle. He begins to smile a little, nodding his head as if he was having a conversation with himself inside his head.

"JARVIS, you up?" He calls out into the open air, standing up and moving towards his computer.

"For you sir, always." The robotic voice responds. Jarvis was an actual person back when I was little, but he died just after I was born. I don't remember him very much, Tony says that JARVIS sounds exactly like him, so I found comfort in the invisible being that had been there for most of my life.

"I'd like to open a new project file, index as Mark II." Tony says aloud, scrolling through him computer that showed up as a hologram. I always found it funny that this kind of technology was so normal for me, but the rest of the word didn't have access to things like this yet. That's an idea for a product! Build holograms for the public.

"Shall I store this on the Stark Industries' Central Database?" JARVIS asks politely, bringing up the new file.

"Actually, I don't know who to trust right now." Tony sighs, biting his lip slightly. "'Til further notice, why don't we just keep everything on the Stark private server." Tony brings up a 3D building program and starts to put bits and pieces together, slowly re-creating the suit that I had memorised from head to toe. Piece by piece, different parts of the metal suit began to emerge from the careful building as Tony resizes and manipulates the appearance of certain shapes that he pulls out from the index. He built the inner skeleton first, followed by the outside which was followed by the helmet and other bits and pieces that were added onto this model. He created a sleeker looking suit with certain areas looking bulkier with the extra protection added onto it. After twenty minutes, he had a completed and almost functional suit that looked amazing.

"Now this is what I'm talking about," I chuckle. "Tony, this is great! Look at it, the kinds of things we could do with the upgrades on this..."

"It's not finished yet." He warns, ruffling my hair as he walks around the table to observe it from different angles, he begins to take bits out and replace them with differently shaped pieces or just resizing others.

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