TWENTY. Wardy Lordy Voldemorty

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When I woke up the next morning, it was because I was being shaken by someone standing right next to me. I lift my head from under the covers to see Skye shaking me, looking freaked out.

"You have to get up." She tells me straight away, getting off the bed as I sit up, rubbing my eyes.

"What happened? Wha-" Still half asleep, I'm dragged out of the room, still in my clothes from yesterday.

"Ward somehow knows you're here. He demanded to speak to you or he'll stop giving us information we need. He's already followed through with it." I'm taken into Phil's office, a frown on my face. Everyone was already waiting around a big screen, showing visual coming down from his cell.

"Swear to god... too tired for this... kill everyone." I mumble incoherent things as I'm seated in one of the comfy chairs in front of the screen.

"You can go back to bed after you do this." Phil rolls his eyes. I think it was about 5 In the morning by this point and I was cold and grumpy.

"All we need you to do is go in and talk to him about anything he asks." May tells me. I grumble and stand up, the fog in my mind starting to clear up a little with the events happening beginning to settle in.

"Lead the way." I sigh, waiting at the door. I follow Tripp down to block D where all the cells were, and I walk in to see a dark room with Grant Ward doing push ups in one side of the cell. The clear dividing wall was slightly nerving, but I walked in allowing the door to close behind me. Tripp told me that he'd wait outside and not to be scared because there's was no way that Grant could get me. Although, I was still a little creeped out knowing that this guy knew I was here somehow.

"Avery Stark." He greets, standing up and looking at me through the wall. Acting chill, I sit down on the chair sideways, letting my legs hand off the arm rest.

"What's up." I ask casually. Natasha didn't really know what to talk about with kids my age, she used to discuss fighting and interrogation skills with me sometimes. I know she tried, but at least this information was becoming useful.

"Nothing much, I am in a cell." He smirks a little, but I don't crack a smile.

"What do you need?" I ask him, getting straight to the point.

"Do you think I could get some food? I'm feeling a little faint." I roll my eyes and continue asking him things.

"How did you find out I was here?" I ask him again.

"I feel like today's a sunny day, is it?" I let my head fall back, groaning.

"Grant Ward? More like Wardy Lordy Voldemorty." I tell him which makes his eyes twitch a little.

"How's Skye? She hasn't been down to visit in a while." I was sick of him trying to play games, I really just wanted to go back to sleep which I didn't think could happen anymore. I was too aggravated and awake.

"Look, you've managed to find out I was here, kudos to you, but really? Five in the bloody morning? I'm a teenager and teenagers are meant to sleep in until like mid-day. Whatever you have to say to me, tell me now otherwise I'm going to walk out of this room and you're never going to see me again-" He cuts me off by stepping a little closer to the clear divider wall, a small glint of something white gathered my attention up near his ear.

"How's your brother, Avery." I must admit, it caught me off guard a little. I quieten down and shake it off.

"I don't know." I tell him. "I haven't seen him lately."

"You don't? I believe you do. Keeping tabs on him every day. How did you feel when you heard that he was almost killed by a terrorist? Pepper Potts being injected with a dangerous serum." I let my face fall neutral and shrug.

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