THIRTY NINE. Stark or Not

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"All right, everybody." Phil preps us. I grab my gun and hold it up, ready. "Fitz, Ava. With me." He says as we all head out. I followed behind him, my eyes focusing on every little detail and watching out for anything that moves.

"Where the hell is he?" Phil asks, moving along.

"Are we going the right way?" I ask him, looking out for any signs to see if we had even gone the right way. Phil looks down at his communicator.

"It looks like its straight through here, but I have no idea." He sighs. "Fitz have a look will you." We all stop and look at the communicator that had Mack's location.

"Straight ahead, 2 lefts and the first door on the left." Fitz says.

"What the hell took you so long?" Mack demands, as we enter the room almost 10 minutes later.

"It's a big boat with poor signage." Phil excuses us.

"That no-eyed guy just popping in here, trying to get at these crystals. If he breaks them – "

"Everybody's a statue. We heard. Fitz?" He asks, letting the engineer grab the four blocks that would work to keep Gordan in here, and not able to use his powers.

"On it." He says, running around and placing them on the metal walls.

"Here. Take this." Phil passes Mack a gun, but he only looks at it.

"Thanks, but I'll stick with the axe. Ricochets in here will be bad. And trust me, you will miss." He warns, placing the gun on his back.

"Right." Phil says.

"What are those things?" Mack asks, seeing them in Fitz's hand.

"Quantum field disrupters. Should contain him here if he comes back." He explains, running over to place the last one near the entry.

"Of course." Mack sarcastically says. "Why didn't I think of that?"

"That's okay. You've been busy, and you're not a quantum physicist. It's completely understandable." Fitz answers smartly.

"Jiaying's not the only one who can set a trap. You know, I batted over 400 in little league." He picks up a giant Spencer. I put my gun away too, grabbing a metal bat out of the bag I was bringing. Phil looks at me and I shrug.

"I thought I would come prepared." I say. We begin our wait and I begin to get bored. Out of the blue, a flash brings a random no-eyed man into the room and he knocks over Phil.

"Damn it, you sneaky son of a-" Mack tries to go in with his axe but the guy disappears. I sigh, my heart pounding. "I hate this guy." Phil seethes.

"Fitz hurry the hell up!" Mack yells. "Yeah, I'm almost there, but I need him back in the room before-" I'm pushed to the ground, my bat cluttering against the floor. "Fitz, now! Hit it!" Behind me, the figure of this man flickered until I got up and swung the bat at him. He falls to the ground, groaning. We all move back and watch the man.

"I'm trapped in here. That's not possible! What did you do?!" He demands.

"Science, biatch." Fitz sasses.

"Looks like it's batter up, Director." Mack offers. Fitz grabs a pole from the corner of the room and we begin to close in on the blind man. If he wasn't so mean, I would feel sorry for the guy. Mack goes in with his axe, but Gordan punches him in the face. Phil tries to get him off guard, but Gordan manages to successfully dodge his attack, pushing Phil to the floor before ducking under the swinging axe. Scared of the Axe, I stayed away unless Gordan came near me. I swung at his head, but he ducks and slammed me against the wall. Multiple times he went from the container that held the crystals. Gordan teleported once again, but he went behind Fitz. I heard his gasp and for a split second, I thought Fitz had been stabbed through his stomach. Went he stepped away, I saw that it was through Gordan's stomach.

"Attaboy, Turbo." Mack smiles. As Gordan fell forward, we all saw that he held a crystal in his hand. I gasped, shocked and I only watched as Phil dived forward and caught it in his bare hand. We all looked at each other and saw as Phil's hand began to turn to stone. Tears welled up in my eyes and I screaming out as I saw Mack raise the axe above his hand and slam it down, cutting off Phil's hand.

"Phil?!" I ask, hearing him scream in pain. I take of my jumper, immediately wrapping it around Phil's furiously bleeding wrist and I hold it there tightly. "Mack, we have to get him to the jet." I stutter, looking up at him. He lifted Phil and helped me carry him through the halls with Fitz behind us.

We made it to the deck and we saw Cal, May, Lincoln surrounding Skye.

"Guys." I yell out, catching their attention. "He touched a crystal, Mack cut his hand off." I explain quickly.

"What?" they all went around, helping us carry Phil onto the jet so we could get him back to base.

"No." Phil stops us from closing the Jet's ramp. "My hand – I want my hand."

"What?" I ask, incredulously.

"I want my hand, please." We all look at each other and shake our head.

"Come on, we'll get it." Mack sighs, leading May and me off the boat. We go back to the room and picked up (gag) Phil's hand that was made of stone. We grabbed the crystal with another cloth, making sure not to touch it and placed it into a smaller container to take back as evidence. As we were walking back, I was behind Mack and May, so I was in the perfect position to get grabbed. A hand is placed over my mouth and I'm dragged into an isolation room by some random guy. I scream, and the muffled sound made Mack and May turn around. They immediately try to get into the room, but the man laughs.

"It's not going to open." He teased. Why does it always have to be me? I sigh to myself in my head. "Agent MacKenzie and Agent May. Looks like you two will be witnessing little miss Avery Stark's transformation." He brings out another crystal and my eyes widen. I struggle under the man's grip, but he doesn't let go.

"She'll die!" Mack yells. "Let her go." The man laughs.

"You really think she'll die? I think not." He teases, throwing the crystal up and catching it. "You see, Avery Stark, isn't a Stark after all." My eyes widen, and I stop struggling, listening to his words. Mack and May quieten up too, watching the man. "You see, Howard Stark and Maria Stark took a break when Tony was young. In that break, Howard got a girl pregnant. She was one of us." He explained. Tears welled up in my eyes. "Avery Stark is already a genius and has influenced the world. By making her an Inhuman, she could be the key to acceptance with our kind. Let's see if that will work." I watch as he releases the crystal. It falls to the floor and a black mist fills the room. I feel a hard substance crawling up my legs, it went up my torso, down my arms, covering every piece of skin it touched. It was getting harder to breath and I closed my eyes, feeling it reach my face and everything went black.

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