FORTY FIVE. Nothing is too expensive for Family

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"How's Bobbi and Hunter?" I walk into the communication room on the Jet, seeing everyone focused on their station.

"Still in the plane. They're heading to Siberia." Phil told me, watching over Daisy's shoulder.

"Siberia?" I ask. "Why would they be going there?"

"That's what we need to find out. Bobbi, Hunter. Come in." Phil grabbed the microphone that would lead to their ear pieces.

"Here, sir. The plane landed about half an hour ago, no sounds for a good 10 minutes." We could hear Hunter's soft voice explaining.

"Wait another 10, to be safe." Phil ordered. "Then try to get visuals on wherever they're going. You can track the tire marks but keep hidden."

"Alright, Sir. Over."

"Well, this is going to be interesting. If they're in the middle of nowhere, Malick has something big to hide."

"Yeah." Phil said, quietly. So that I didn't bother any of them, I kind of made my way towards an area that didn't have a billion agents walking by every second. I sat down, just watching everyone do their jobs, and helping Phil out with everything. I was itching to go back into my lab and work on stuff, but my eyes were getting sore because of the minor details I had to focus on.

Maria had been giving me daily updates on what was happening in the world but wasn't being shown on TV. Apparently, the government was forming something big, and it had to do with people with powers. Inhumans. People with the X-Gene. Super Soldiers. Even people with man-made powers such as my brother. Shit was going down, and I was the only one in this whole base that knew about it.

"Malick's convoy heading our way." Bobbi's voice sounded. Daisy began to type the designator code into the computer. "Bird to Zephyr, painting target. Do you copy?"

"Copy that, Bird. Target's lit. We're tracking now."

"Okay, it looks like Malick's convoy's heading for this decommissioned power plant about 30 kilometres away." Phil walked over to Fitzsimmons, reading the tracking chart.

"Dead in the middle of Nowhereville, Siberia." Mack scoffed.

"Yeah, if Malick and his Russian patsy want to build some Inhuman sanctuary, why not build it someplace nice and sunny?"

"Same reason they don't put a prison camp in Malibu 'Not in my backyard.'"

"My Malibu house could have been considered a base." I speak up. "Now look at it. Under the sea because someone blew it up." I roll my eyes.

"That's what the sanctuary really is going to be, isn't it?" Daisy realised. "A prison camp."

"We'll see what Bobbi and Hunter find when they get there." She looks down, not happy.

"Zephyr to Bird, we have Malick's convoy, can guide you to them, but you're gonna need some transport. Will that be a problem?" Fitz asked.

"No, I think we're good." Bobbi said casually.

"I've sent the co-ordinates to your phones, but it's going to take a while." Fitz typed in.

"That's fine. We'll make contact when we get there. Over."

"Alright, so what happens now?" I ask. "Shouldn't we make a plan for if Malick has a giant surprise down there for us?" I ask.

"I have a plan." Phil said causally but doesn't speak up to tell us. I look at Mack, raising an eye brow.

"And, that plan is..." I trail off. He just looks at me and smiles.

"I can't tell you." Is all that he said. "Top Secret."

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