Sequel? + Fun Facts

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Short Answer: Yes. Definitely, but not anytime soon.

Long Answer: I have heaps of books that I want to write currently, probably close to 10 or 15 ranging from Avengers fics, to Agents of SHIELD to Criminal Minds. I've been writing this book since 2013 (When I posted the original copy that I've taken down) and I need a break from Avery. I'm sorry that I left you all on a cliff hanger, to be honest I didn't realise until one of my friends called me out on it :P Anyways, maybe after I post & finish a couple of my other books I want to start. There will definitely be a sequel (I already have plans for it) but I don't know when I would post it. Please, stay tuned! If you follow me, I will give updates on when I will post the book.

Now I felt like doing some fun things for you curious readers, so below I have written up some fun facts about the book.


- Avery was originally named after me, Emilee but I changed it because it made me feel weird once the book started getting popular. 

- I found her name by scrolling through a list of girl names and just stopping on a random name :S

- I was tempted to delete the book as I lost interest in it at one point. I'm glad I didn't :P

- Avery was originally 11 in the Iron man part of the book (I changed it to 8), but I wanted her to be younger so her looks would be drastically different to when Tony and her reunited. 

- The ending of this book was supposed to be very different. I was going to make someone kidnap Avery and the Avengers together, them finding out she's alive and make them fight to try and save her life. I was going to make the kidnappers giver her a drug that would invade her heart and kill her slowly, and at the end they would live happily ever after :D

- I only planned the book to be 25 chapters long.

- I didn't plan most of the things that happened to Avery throughout the book, only the start and finish was. Everything else was written on the spot as I typed up each chapter. 

- Most of this book was written either at School or in my bed. Why? Cause sleeping and education :D

- The first time I got hate on this book, was on It is the only site where I have ever gotten raw hate on any of my works (not criticism - hate) and that's why I don't really post on there. 

- I was originally going to make Avery Daisy's half-sister but ended up using that idea in my "Inhuman" book.

- I was also going to make Spiderman Avery's love interest, but I ended up using that in "Inhuman" too, lmao.

- Reading through the very first chapters I wrote, I realised that I unintentionally matured Avery not only in looks, but how she acted and thought. I know that you're supposed to do that (duh) but the fact that I did it without thinking amazes me. 

- I see Avery as Bailee Madison, but you guys all see her as someone else. Share with me in the comments on who you think she looks like to you, I'm curious.

- My friends judge me for fangirling over my made up characters :P (*Cough* Kathleen *Cough*)

- At one time, I wanted to crossover "Inhuman" with "The Changes of Life" but I changed my mind because that's hard and unnecessary. Yay. 

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