THIRTY SIX. Recovery

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Sweat running down my face. The heat making me feel flushed.

Punch to the left.


Dodge the kick, twisting my body to the left.

They missed. They go again, trying to get their arm around me.

I throw myself at them, pushing my weight on them.

Caught him off guard. They tried to punch.

Blocked. Threw all my weight into a body hit.

Got him.

A sharp pain in my side makes me step back, scrunching up my eyes.

"Ave? You alright kid?" Mack asks me, worried. He places his hand on my shoulder, trying to watch me but I motion for him to step away.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I guess it's still a little weak. It'll go away." I breathe out heavily. It had been about 3 and a half weeks now. My black eye was finally gone, but my torso was still faintly bruised. Simmons says that my ribs have healed really fast, but honestly.

"You sure?" He asks again, finally letting me go and stepping back. He had been training me along with May. Skye can't do it anymore, since she was in the Afterlife with her little boy toy Lincoln and her creepy looking mum. Jemma and May had gone with her, to help everyone out and they took Skye's creepy dad with them.

"Yeah." I sigh, sitting on the bench at the side and taking a large gulp of some water I had in a bottle. "Why did you and Bobbi join those other guys?" I ask, looking up. Everything was an absolute mess. The "Real" SHIELD has pretty much inhabited the base, watching all of us closely. Apparently, Mack and Bobbi had been spying on all of us, although I've managed to see it from their side - kind of.

"I didn't think Director Fury was running the organisation properly. There was too much trust in some unreliable people, too much destruction too. The real SHIELD helped stop that." He says, sighing next to me. I nod seeing their point.

"You guys don't really like my brother, don't you?" I kind of chuckle, thinking of all the shit he's done. Destroying half of New York, or anywhere he goes to really. Thinking of Sokovia, I wince at the thought of Tony building a droid that tried to destroy the world. I always told him not to mess with robotic minds, but does he listen? No. One of the agents from the other SHIELD comes in, motioning for Mack to follow him. He nods, pulling on his usual grey shirt and leaving with him. The empty gym was slightly nerving, so I jogged back to my room and had a quick shower, getting all the sweat off me. Then I strolled through the hallways, looking for someone to hang with. Fitz was in the lab with Hunter, but they both looked a little uptight.

"Hey guys." I cautiously walk in, sitting on a chair that I could spin.

"Have you heard from Bobbi?" Hunter immediately asks. I shake my head, not getting any contact off anyone. "Her phone's not picking up not even voicemail." He tensely tells me.

"Flight records suggest that Bobbi's Quinjet left before the other three. There's no indication of a crash. The transponder's offline. Uh, it's possible that somebody disconnected it, though." Hunter walks over to see the computer monitor and I push myself, so I was on Fitz other side. It was kind of weird that when I first came here Fitz worshipped me like I was a fallen angel. Nowadays he's so used to me being around, he doesn't even bat an eyelid. I do have to say, it's a bit of fresh air because I felt that I had to live up to his standards whenever he was around. I could just be myself now.

"Forget about the plane-"

"Can you pull up the Footage from Bobbi, of the base before she left good idea." Fitz clicked, typing into the computer.

"You know, I am capable of-" Hunter begins to complain.

"Finishing my own sentences."

"Yes, you are. I'm sorry." Hunter just stares, and Fitz and I smirk. He brings up to footage and we begin to scroll through the time code when Bobbi left the base.

"Okay, that's May..." Fitz says confused.

"Yeah, and that's the woman that once set my 1967 convertible GTO on fire. The question on the table is not who, but where."

"No, that's what I'm saying." Fitz brings up another time code, about 10 minutes later. "Facial recognition timed this footage from 10 minutes later. See? That's May leaving the base again." The two people looked the same, but we all knew who one of them really were. And we were 100% sure it was the one with Bobbi.

"It's Agent 33. What would she want with Bobbi?" Hunter whispers.

"Okay, so let's go to the hangar. See if they left anything behind. Maybe." I stutter a little. "Maybe she killed someone?" We all go down to the hangar and immediately at the very corner of the room, there was a tangle of bloody blankets. How no one saw this? I have no idea. Hunter goes over, but Fitz and I stay back and we watch as Hunter looks inside the tangle.

"It's a security guard. He must've been keeping an eye on the plane."

"Um, maybe we should go tell Phil?" I whisper. "He needs to know." We all rush to get to the rest of the group, to tell them what happened to Bobbi.

"Every inhuman up there believes that SHIELD attacked their leader and declared war." We hear May tell everyone.

"Including Skye."

"Then mark that down as the second time SHIELD got played today." Hunter's voice laced with anger announces. Fitz follows, tablet in hand.

"Figured out what happened to Agent Morse. She left on a Quinjet... with you." He points at may. All eyes go to her and she stares at us, confused. Fitz pulls up the footage and May goes to deny everything.

"I didn't leave with Bobbi." She tells us

"That's Agent 33." Phil immediately says.

"She killed her guard, stashed him under a blanket in vault C, then boarded a Quinjet posing as May."

"But why? I don't understand." Simmons asks.

"The Quinjet's transponder went dark outside Aranda de Duero in Spain. I'm gonna need a pilot." Hunter looks at May.

"With pleasure." May responds, walking away with him.

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