TWENTY SEVEN. Kiss and Make Up

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I could taste the sweat and the blood on my lip and I ran forward, through the empty hallways. I had to get out of here. I had to reach that door.

I ran, tripped, breathing heavily.

Five paces left.

I turned sharply.

The rotting walls left a stench settling into my nose and I couldn't help but shudder breathing in. it was toxic and was making breathing hurt. My ribs ached badly and was making my running slow and unsteady. My vision was blurry and my ears ringing.

I could hear my heartbeat through the ringing, the quick "Ba-Thump" making me wince. I couldn't tell if I had already passed that bright yellow door before. All the doors and scenery around me looked the same. I had to get out. Hydra couldn't get me. They'd kill me or expose me. I couldn't let the team endanger their lives for me.

Everything was hurting, and I was so utterly confused. How did I even get here? How did I escape. Escape. I was escaping, that's right. I had to find the door, but was I on the right trail? My hair flipped around madly, as I turned in a full circle, seeing that there were 4 different directions I could run through. Which one to take. I could hear multiple footsteps and shout coming from one of those paths, so I took the one next to it.

I ran and ran and ran.

Running, tripping, freaking out.

I slammed into someone's chest and fell to the floor. I hoped, I prayed and I wished that it wouldn't be Hydra. Karma had it in for me today because I looked up to stare into the devil's eyes who was glaring into my soul.

"Hello Avery." He smirked, picking me up. He jabbed me with a needle and I was out like a broken lightbulb.

This was my end?


19 hours before.

"Here's what we know." The team was gathered in the cargo hold, ready to see how we were going to do this. "HYDRA's on the move. They have the Obelisk and an expert who knows how to use it. We can't let that happen, obviously." He mentions.

"Use it how?" Hunter asks.

"Based on our latest intel, there's something very powerful inside it. A weapon." He replies.

"Are we talking chemical, biological, energy-based?" Mack questions.

"Could be anything. It's alien." Fitz tells him. Bobbi looks around, motioning at herself and Simmons.

"While Simmons and I were undercover at HYDRA, Whitehall was looking to create an extinction-level event to kill millions of people. We have to assume that this weapon has the potential to do that." She shakes her head.

"Because bad guys love their WMDs." Phil speaks. "Trick is, to activate the Obelisk, HYDRA has to take it to specific place. It's like they have the keys to launch a nuclear warhead."

"Now they need the lock a temple inside the city." Skye grins.

"How will this temple unlock the device?" I ask. "Is there some kind of crazy alien air down there?"

"That, we don't know." Phil answers.

"Any idea where this temple is?" Simmons questions.

"Glad you asked... No." Phil playfully states. "But it's in the city, and we now know where that is. Even better, HYDRA doesn't. Fitz?" Fitz plays around with some controls on a remote, turning it on so the hologram was brought up. Skye steps forward and makes the SHIELD logo bigger, letting it turn into a globe with small bits of intel information around it.

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